The Westport Local Press

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Republican, Democratic Town Primaries Tuesday, August 9th

The Town Clerk and Registrars of Voters announce the following regarding the  Republican Primary and Democratic Primary scheduled for Tuesday, August 9, 2022

When:   Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Hours and Locations:  As with any election, voting is between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.  All polling locations are the exact same for every Westport voter as they would be for a general election.  To find your polling location follow the link:

Absentee ballot applications are already available through the Town Clerk’s office as they would be for any general election.  The drop box is NOW available at the rear of Town Hall for receiving applications and absentee ballots. For more information on absentee ballots:

Only Enrolled Party Members May Vote in a Primary:  Connecticut has a closed primary system.  Only enrolled Democrats may vote in the Democratic Primary, and only enrolled Republicans may vote in the Republican Primary.  The deadline for changing from one party to another to vote in the primary has already passed.  However, an unaffiliated voter may select a party up to noon the day before the primary, changing to one of the major parties.   If you are unsure of your party status, you can look up your voter registration at

Registration Cut-off: Applications to register by mail must be postmarked by the 5th day before a primary OR a person can apply online or in-person until noon on August 8.

Note:  There is no election day registration for primaries.  Accordingly, all electors must be properly registered before the day of the primaries.