The Westport Local Press

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First Selectwoman Responds to Attorney: “ I am fully committed to maintaining and preserving the original mission of TEAM Westport”

Westport First Selectwoman Jennifer Tooker: 

Dear Attorney Marino: 

I am writing in response to your letter of January 31, 2022 regarding alleged violations of the Westport Town Charter (the “Charter”) and state statute relative to membership on the TEAM Westport Committee. Upon receipt of your letter, I requested that our Town Attorney provide a response. Please see the attached letter from Westport Town Attorney Ira Bloom, dated February 11, 2022, which addresses the claims. 

First and foremost, the work of TEAM Westport is important to the future of our community by helping to ensure that everyone - residents, employees, business owners and visitors alike - feels that they belong and are welcome here. The Town of Westport thrives on the volunteer efforts of numerous people, including members of TEAM Westport, who generously give of their talent and time. I am so grateful for our appointed board, commission and committee members who help make Westport the best place to live, work and play. 

The First Selectwoman is responsible for appointments to all Town committees – and the legal claims made by you and the subsequent response issued by Town Attorney Ira Bloom have prompted a reevaluation of the membership of these committees. 

Specifically in response to the TEAM Westport Committee, it is the opinion of our Town Attorney that the membership is not in violation of the Town Charter provisions regarding term limits and the removal of any member who ceases to be a Westport voter. This legal response is based on the fact that committees are advisory in nature. Committees are formed with the intention to utilize the most qualified volunteers to offer guidance and advice, and thus are not subject to the same Charter provisions as Boards and Commissions. However, based on a review of the Connecticut General Statutes, our Town Attorney advises that the minority representation rule should, in fact, be applied. 

Given this intent and logic, in addition to the Town Attorney's legal advice, I will make the following changes to the TEAM Westport Committee membership: a) a member must be an elector of the town of Westport, and b) a maximum of 50% of TEAM Westport's members car be of the same political party. Going forward, prospective members of committees will be asked to submit an application articulating how their specific skill sets will assist the Town and indicate their political party affiliation (if any). 

Finally, I am fully committed to maintaining and preserving the original mission of TEAM Westport. It is crucial. I am confident we have the knowledge and expertise among our residents here in Westport to fulfill the slightly amended membership requirements, and that TEAM Westport will continue to serve our community in its advisory role in creating a more welcoming, multicultural Westport. 


Jennifer S. Tooker

First Selectwoman