The Westport Local Press

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Police Department Supports Autism Awareness Month with New Badges, Vehicle Seals

Press Release - Chief of Westport Police Foti Koskinas

April is Autism Awareness Month, and the Westport Police Department enthusiastically stands with the autistic community in celebrating this opportunity to promote both education and a greater understanding of autism.  

In a 2016 study, the Center for Disease Control stated that one in every fifty-four U.S. children has an Autism Spectrum Disorder.  According to the National Autism Center this means that “at least one million U.S. boys and girls have autism, not to mention the rapidly growing number of adults with autism.”

These statistics certainly suggest that autism touches most of our lives in some way and because of that the Westport Police is committed to supporting those with autism as well as their family members.

To honor the autistic community and to promote autism awareness, Westport officers have purchased Autism Awareness Commemorative Badges which they will be wearing on their uniforms during April.  The badge is blue and prominently features the puzzle piece logo in the center which is the universal symbol of autism awareness.  A portion of the badge’s purchase price will be donated directly to Autism Speaks to help fund this organization’s crucial work.  An additional way we will be promoting this important cause is by affixing the puzzle piece logo onto the doors of all our police cars.  The logos were generously donated by Fleet Auto Supply.

Police Chief Foti Koskinas noted that, “autism is very prevalent but unfortunately is often misunderstood.  That is why we are taking this time to promote awareness as well as acceptance and the Westport Police Department is proud to be a part of that effort.”

Autism Awareness Month is also an opportune time to remind the community about Westport’s Disability Registry.  Its creation was a combined effort of the Westport Disability Commission, Human Services, and the Police Department.  The confidential registry is used to provide essential information that will assist the police and other emergency workers to address the needs of residents of all abilities.  Please see the following link for more information about how to sign up for the registry: