The Westport Local Press

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Dr. Scott Gottlieb Discusses Coronavirus, Vaccines, from Westport on Face the Nation

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA Commissioner and current Pfizer Board Member, was virtually interviewed from Westport on Sunday morning on CBS’ Face the Nation. Dr. Gottlieb, a Westport resident, discussed the future of the coronavirus crisis in the United States, and the upcoming plans to roll out vaccines. The interview described a hard reality to listeners that includes a worsening in coronavirus case numbers and death tolls, but also hope as vaccines are on the ground in some countries and ready to be dispersed.

He explained to host Margaret Brennan that “Things are going to continue to get worse for the next four to six weeks.” and continued to say that “We're not likely to see a peak in the number of infections until about the end of December, maybe into January.” (Dr. Scott Gottlieb,Face the Nation”).

He continued later in the interview to describe the United Kingdom’s plan to begin vaccinating citizens as early as this Tuesday, with thousands possibly vaccinated in the first week, “They're [Pfizer coronavirus vaccines] now sitting in the United Kingdom ready to go, and they're going to start vaccinating probably on Tuesday. And UK authorities have said they may be able to vaccinate 8,000- 800,000 people in the first week.” (Dr. Scott Gottlieb,Face the Nation”).

Read the full Face the Nation transcript here.