The Westport Local Press

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Vigil Tonight To Mark 300 Days Of Captivity Of The Israeli Hostages

As we all know, on October 7th, 2023 Hamas staged a stunning attack on Israel, taking more than 200 hostages and killing hudreds more. Many of those kidnapped from their homes and from the Nova music festival near Gaza have been held by Hamas ever since.

This evening at 6 PM, Run4TheirLives-Westport and other humanitarian organizations will hold a vigil on the Ruth Steinkraus Cohen Memorial Bridge in Westport. Their Communications Director, Jennifer Wolff, told WestportLocalPress, “We will also be reinstalling hostage posters vandalized and removed by another Westport resident. (see WestportLocalPress: Anti-Semitism) Westport Police will be on hand to protect members of the vigil from any violence that may occur.

In January, Melinda Wasserman created the Westport chapter of Run4TheirLives — leading weekly marches on Sundays at 11 AM starting at Playhouse Square and heading across the bridge and back. According to Wolff, “We have not missed a Sunday since, and will not miss one until all of the hostages are home.”

Story By J.C. Martin