Community James Bairaktaris Community James Bairaktaris

Westporter, ADL Regional Director Steve Ginsberg Appointed by Governor to State Hate Crimes Council

Westporter Steve Ginsberg, Director of the ADL Connecticut region, spoke today about the new Connecticut Hate Crimes Council, which the Capitol announced yesterday to the State. Ginsburg was appointed by Governor Ned Lamont to serve on the Council, with the Governor saying “Nobody should ever have to fear being the victim of the crime for being the person they are, and it is unconscionable that people continue to be targeted throughout our country because of the color of their skin, the religion they practice, the person they love, their country of birth, or any other personal attributes that identify who they are.”

Westporter Steve Ginsberg, Director of the ADL Connecticut region, spoke today about the new Connecticut Hate Crimes Council, which the Capitol announced yesterday to the State. Ginsburg was appointed by Governor Ned Lamont to serve on the Council, with the Governor saying “Nobody should ever have to fear being the victim of the crime for being the person they are, and it is unconscionable that people continue to be targeted throughout our country because of the color of their skin, the religion they practice, the person they love, their country of birth, or any other personal attributes that identify who they are.”

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Community James Bairaktaris Community James Bairaktaris

“We Are All Siblings”

Saugatuck Congregational Church’s Rev. Alison Patton fights against antisemitism, stating “we are all siblings” to the large crowd. “How many times will we stop here on Jesup Green? As many times as it takes” she continued.

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Community James Bairaktaris Community James Bairaktaris

Supporting Peace in Her Community

Dr. Flora Levin of Westport came out to support her community this evening - the flag of Israel draped over her shoulders as she listened to speakers describe how the community can support and protect its Jewish neighbors.

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Community James Bairaktaris Community James Bairaktaris

Gathering to Condemn Antisemitism Tonight at 7:00 on Jesup Green

The Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County has coordinated a gathering for this evening after incidents of antisemitism have been on the rise, both locally and around the globe. The gathering will begin at 7:00 PM on Jesup Green, with community members being invited to stand together in support of peace, and to condemn the violent and hatred-based attacks facing the nation.

The Federation for Jewish Philanthropy of Upper Fairfield County has coordinated a gathering for this evening after incidents of antisemitism have been on the rise, both locally and around the globe. The gathering will begin at 7:00 PM on Jesup Green, with community members being invited to stand together in support of peace, and to condemn the violent and hatred-based attacks facing the nation.

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Memorial Day 2021, Good News Only, Community James Bairaktaris Memorial Day 2021, Good News Only, Community James Bairaktaris

Gallery: Westport’s Memorial Day Parade 2021

Click to enlarge photos. 

Photos by Lynn Jefferey, Jenae Weinbrenner, Preston Siroka, and The Westport Local Press.

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Good News Only, Community, Memorial Day 2021 James Bairaktaris Good News Only, Community, Memorial Day 2021 James Bairaktaris

Good Genes: Grand Marshal Nicholas Rossi and Grandson Nick Rossi Take the Stage to Honor the Fallen

Nicholas Rossi, 99, with his grandson Nick Rossi, 19. Rossi Sr., a WWII veteran, served as the Westport Memorial Day Parade Grand Marshal. 

Nicholas Rossi, 99, was beaming today as he served as the Westport Memorial Day Parade Grand Marshal.

Nick Rossi, 19, kisses his grandfather Nicholas Rossi, 99, as he completes his performance of the Star Spangled Banner. 

Born on Long Island in 1922 and graduating Oyster Bay High School in 1940, Rossi enlisted in the United States Army Air Corps in 1942 at the age of 19. He joined the 8th Air Force Bomber Command as a Technical Sergeant, working as a gunner on the infamous B-17 aircrafts over occupied Europe. By the end of the War, the 8th Army Air Force accounted for half of the Army Air Forces' casualties in World War II - with more than 47,000 casualties and more than 26,000 lost.

Rossi’s grandson Nick Rossi, 19, spoke on behalf of his grandfather today during the Memorial Day Ceremonies following the parade. “When he enlisted, he was 19 years old - the same age that I am right now.” Nick described. “It is unimaginable to me what it must have felt like to go off to war as a young man who had barely begun to live his life. It was a selfless sacrifice - not even a choice at that point in time - but an expectation that that generation of young men would enlist and serve their country.” he continued as his grandfather looked to him at the podium. “He became an expert on the B-17 aircraft.”

Nicholas Rossi admires his grandson, Nick Rossi, as Nick sings the United States National Anthem. 

First Selectman Jim Marpe described the brave acts that Rossi performed during the war, adding that he was a “relative newcomer to Westport and an active member of our Senior Center.” After Rossi’s wife passed away, he moved to the Westport community with his son Paul Rossi, his wife Marguerite, and their three children.

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Good News Only, Community, Memorial Day 2021 James Bairaktaris Good News Only, Community, Memorial Day 2021 James Bairaktaris

Winners Announced for Memorial Day Parade Floats

  • Best Development of a Theme 

     League of Women Voters 

  • Best Youth Organization Float 

     Suzuki Music Schools 


  • Most Creative Float 

    Westport Paddle Club 


  • Best Community Organization float 

    Westport Rotary 

  • Most Colorful Float 

    VFW Auxiliary 399 


  • Best Overall Float 

    Y’s Men of Westport\Weston                 


  • Special “Pep Award”

    Staples, Bedford Middle & Coleytown Middle  School Bands 

Memorial Day Parade Float Judges: 

Betty Lou Cummings, Ruth Whelan, Diana Heisinger & Mary Ann Lindwall  


Parade Master:

William (Bill) Vornkahl 

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Community, Good News Only James Bairaktaris Community, Good News Only James Bairaktaris

The Memorial Day Parade Guide: Celebrating a Westport Tradition

The 2021 Westport Memorial Day Parade Route. 
  • Start: 9:00 AM [Saugatuck Elementary School]

  • End: 10:30 AM [Memorial Day Ceremony, Veteran’s Green]

  • 2021 Parade Marshall: Nicholas Rossi, WWII Veteran

  • 2021 Float Contest Theme: Honoring Women Veterans

Line of March:

Honor Division

Col. John Chester Fife & Drum Corps 

Westport Police Department

Westport Volunteer EMS 

Grand Marshal Nicholas Rossi

World War II Veterans

1st Division

Dignitaries - RTM Members

Westport Community Band 

Connecticut Veterans Honor Guard 

Joseph J. Clinton Post 399 - Veterans of Foreign Wars 

August Matthias Post 63 - American Legion 

VFW Auxiliary 399 Westport Float

2nd Division

Nash Drum Corps 

Westport Fire Department 

Y's Men of Westport/Weston 

Westport Baseball – Hawks 

Westport Little League Baseball 

Westport Little League - Blue Jays 

Westport PAL Boys and Girls Lacrosse 

Westport Soccer Association 

Staples High School Marching Band 

Bedford Middle School Marching Band 

Coleytown Middle School Marching Band 

Staples Tuition Grants 

Staples Rugby Club 

Assumption Church - Knights of Columbus Council #3688 

Suzuki Music Schools 

St. Paul Christian School 

Westport Woman's Club

3rd Division

Girl Scouts 

The League of Women Voters of Westport 

Boy Scouts of America 

The United Methodist Church of Westport & Weston 

Builders Beyond Borders 

Westport Paddle Club 

Westport Library 

Westport Weston Family YMCA 

Junior Colonial Fife & Drum Corps of Westbrook, CT

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