Best Seats at the Levitt for Bruce Hornsby and The Noisemakers
Three year old Raelynn sits atop grandfather Neil’s shoulders as Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers open the Levitt Pavilion for the Performing Art’s 2021 Season.
Traffic Agent to the Commuter’s Rescue
A Westport Police Department traffic agent manned the intersection of Riverside Avenue and Bridge Street this evening as the afternoon commute made its way through the community. After several weeks of seemingly increasing traffic in Westport, the traffic agent was a site for sore eyes as cars quickly made their way off of the William F. Cribari Bridge, which was named for the famous traffic cop who kept the cars moving through the early 2000s at nearly 80 years old.
Cleaning Up Garbage
With celebrations underway, many of the celebratory balloons are flying away - and landing in local waterways. Ellen Bowen found these balloons floating through Burritt’s landing, then cleaning them up to help protect the animals they pose a hazard to. Photo by Ellen Bowen for The Westport Local Press.
Crescent Moon over Downtown
Tonight’s crescent moon sat against a dark sky this evening over downtown’s western riverbank.
Westport Pride Rainbow Lights Allegedly Vandalized Overnight; Many Missing or Damaged on Route 1 Bridge
Westport Pride Press Release
At 8:00 AM, Brian McGunagle, founder of Westport Pride, while driving to work, noticed that the rainbow balloons placed on the bridge lights in celebration of Pride month had been removed.
Most of the lights on the northbound side of the bridge, a Westport landmark, had the colorful balloons torn off and several lights were damaged. The southbound side of the bridge appears intact.
McGunagle said, "Hate has no home in Westport, and Westport Pride will continue to pursue its mission of radical welcome in our community despite any acts of vandalism."
Via email, the Downtown Association committed to replacing the balloons today and every time going forward. The alleged crime comes just days after Westport Pride held its first Pride Rally on Jesup Green on June 5th with attendance nearing 500.
Sal Liccione, RTM District 9, which represents downtown, and Westport Police are at the scene currently investigating.
Cribari Bridge Silhouette
The William F. Cribari Memorial Bridge over the Saugatuck, a 137 year old community view.
Eclipse Views
A view of this morning’s solar eclipse from Compo Beach. Andrew Kobetitsch for the Westport Local Press.
Catching the Eclipse
This morning’s solar eclipse got many out of their homes early this morning, all heading to the waterfront to catch a glimpse of the sunrise spectacular. This view comes from the Sherwood Mill Pond. Photo by Westport’s Sunrise Man, Jimmy Izzo, for The Westport Local Press.
Despite Race Cancellation, Nereid’s Crew is All Smiles
Although this evening’s sailing races were cancelled, the crew aboard the Nereid of Norfolk, Virginia were all smiles while awaiting the Cedar Point Yacht Club committee boat orders. Boats made their way towards the course off of Compo Beach around 6:00 this evening, with the races being called off just before 7:00 tonight as storm clouds surrounded the waterfront and winds remained light.
RTM Votes “No”: P&Z Decision Remains, Hiawatha Lane Project Trudges Onwards
Westport RTM Moderator Velma Heller counts the final vote for agenda item #2 via Zoom.
The Westport Representative Town Meeting voted tonight to uphold the Westport Planning & Zoning Commission’s decision to create a new zoning district boundary, paving the way for the 157 unit Hiawatha Lane housing development. If the decision was overturned, the project would have been left to the Connecticut court system to rule on, with a settlement no longer in play. The meeting also approved the spending of $1.47 million to replace a portion of the Saugatuck Elementary School roof this summer, while all of the police and fire department officials who listened to the meeting until it’s adjournment at 11:40 PM were told they had to wait longer to hear their agenda item, as it was tabled for a later meeting date.