Homes, Town Hall James Bairaktaris Homes, Town Hall James Bairaktaris

Westport Property Transfers: 1/11/21-1/15/21

Westport property transfers as reported by the Westport Town Clerk’s Office:

Total Conveyance Tax: $26,428

Total Sales: $10,571,390

Highest Transfer Price: 2 Devon Road: $2,100,000

Lowest Transfer Price: 35 Bridge Street, Unit 210: $295,000


2 Devon Road: $2,100,000

2 Plunkett Place: $1,600,000

36 Arlen Road: $1,455,540(93.76%), $90,850 (6.24%)

2 Marilane: $1,300,000

4 Bruce Lane: $995,000

39 Cross Highway: $850,000

251 Wilton Road: $785,000

38 & 40 Bridge Street: $750,000

52 Clinton Avenue: $350,000

35 Bridge Street, Unit 210: $295,000

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COVID-19, Town Hall James Bairaktaris COVID-19, Town Hall James Bairaktaris

First Selectman: Vaccine Update; Links to Register

1/27 Press Release from Westport First Selectman Jim Marpe

The State of Connecticut is currently scheduling and vaccinating those who are 75 and older as a part of the vaccine rollout phase 1b. Individuals between the ages of 65 and 74 are next in line for eligibility and information will be posted on the Westport Weston Health District (WWHD) website when the state opens up clinics to this group. More information for frontline essential workers and individuals with underlying medical conditions with increased risk for severe illness will be forthcoming.

Many Westporters are eager to get their vaccines. Some have registered themselves into the CDC's Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS), scheduled their appointments and have received first and, in some cases, second vaccine doses. Others have found technical challenges, a lack of information and guidance or difficulties getting their first or second doses scheduled. Currently, vaccination dates are not being scheduled sooner than three-weeks out. The process is moving slowly and as a result, frustrations are high.

Additionally, the supply of vaccines is simply not keeping up with the demand. There is a total of 1.3 million Connecticut residents who are eligible for the vaccine during Phase 1b. The state must ration the 46,000 doses it receives each week. At this rate, it will take months before all the eligible residents are vaccinated. Simply stated, there is a national vaccine shortage and it is impacting us locally. 

The WWHD staff have been consistently ordering more vaccines than it is receiving. The WWHD runs up to three vaccine clinics per week at varying locations: WWHD on Bayberry Lane, the Westport Center for Senior Activities, the Weston Senior Center, and the Easton Senior Center. The WWHD has a limited supply of vaccines and advises that eligible Westporters not wait for an appointment at a Westport clinic. Rather, go to the first available appointment and plan to schedule your second vaccine immediately after. The State’s 2-1-1 line now includes a public vaccine clinic directory to search for local clinics.

We are aware that some have found success bypassing VAMS and registering through hospital portals in the surrounding cities. These third party VAMS sites appear to be more direct and do not require waiting for confirmation emails and codes. For links to some local participating vaccination centers, please see further below. 

We are also aware that some residents do not have the mobility to obtain a vaccine in another nearby community or might not be able to leave their homes. Once supplies are available, the town is planning for a larger-scale local vaccination site as well as a travelling clinic to those who are most vulnerable and homebound. The State’s long-term distribution plan focuses on five or six large mega-vaccination clinics set up across the state and with neighborhood CVS/Walgreens pharmacies being a potential local option. However, there are multiple challenges with distribution, administration and the vaccine supply itself that must be overcome at the state and federal levels first.

Please keep in mind that neither the Westport Department of Human Services nor the Westport Center for Senior Activities has access to the VAMS portal, nor can they schedule a vaccination on a resident’s behalf.  Human Services staff is working diligently to answer questions and offer resources to help. Ultimately, the State's official helpline (dial 2-1-1) is the best option for registration by phone or to have your technical questions answered.

Do not be discouraged as the inevitable complications and delays occur. Your patience is needed during these trying times. Please remember to continue to wear a face covering, social distance and maintain good hygiene.

For more information on the vaccine in Westport, visit or print Westport’s Vaccination Tip Sheet here:

For information on the WWHD’s plans to schedule and conduct vaccinations, go to

The State of Connecticut’s vaccine information site can be found here:

Third Party VAMS Sites:


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Town Hall James Bairaktaris Town Hall James Bairaktaris

First Selectman, Board of Ed Chair Host Virtual “State of the Town” January 31st

“Westport First Selectman Jim Marpe and Board of Education Chair Candice Savin will present the “State of the Town” on Sunday, January 31, at 2pm.

The event will be live-streamed on and, and broadcast live on Public Access Channels 79 (Optimum) and 6020 (Frontier). There will be no in-person public attendance at this year’s State of the Town for public safety due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Jim and Candice will review Town and School accomplishments during the past year and preview some upcoming initiatives, followed by a question and answer session moderated by RTM Deputy Moderator and Westport Rotary Past President Jeffrey Wieser.

Questions for Jim and Candice may be emailed before and during the State of the Town to

The State of the Town is being sponsored as a joint initiative of the Westport Sunrise Rotary and the Westport Rotary Club. Rotary is an international service organization with over 34,000 clubs and 1.9 million members worldwide. Founded in 1917, Rotary’s mission is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. For membership information, please contact the clubs through their websites.”

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Town Hall, Homes James Bairaktaris Town Hall, Homes James Bairaktaris

Westport Property Transfers: 12/21/20 - 12/25/20

Westport property transfers as reported by the Westport Town Clerk’s Office:

Total Conveyance Tax: $63,228.00

Total Sales: $25,608,000.00

Highest Transfer Price: 60 Wilton Road: $3,930,000

Lowest Transfer Price: 20 Edgewater Commons, Unit 3B: $500,000


60 Wilton Road: $3,930,000

16 Quentin Road: $2,650,000

76 Compo Road South: $2,625,000

10 Bermuda Road: $2,365,000

2 Mimi Lane: $1,834,000

14 River Lane: $1,710,000

6 Caccamo Trail: $1,625,000

8 Highwood Lane: $1,495,000

320 Compo Road South: $1,295,000

11 Hockanum Road: $1,275,000

24 Colony Road: $1,260,000

3 Hermit Court: $1,100,000

9 Old Orchard Road: $999,000

117 Wilton Road: $625,000

20 Edgewater Commons, Unit 3B: $500,000

5 Bumpy Lane: $160,000 (1% INT in Westport)

5 Bumpy Lane: $160,000 (1% INT in Westport)

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Town Hall, COVID-19 James Bairaktaris Town Hall, COVID-19 James Bairaktaris

First Selectman: Update on Westport COVID-19 Vaccinations

From Westport First Selectman Jim Marpe

COVID-19 Vaccinations

Based upon the scientific advice and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT DPH), Westport officials strongly recommend that all Westporters are vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible.

Currently, Westport’s long-term care facility residents and staff, and Emergency Medical Service personnel are eligible for and have been receiving the vaccination per CT DPH guidelines for Phase 1a of the COVID-19 vaccination roll out.  This includes personnel and staff from the Westport Weston Health District (WWHD), school nurses, and the Westport Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Services Departments.

According to Governor Lamont, Phases 1b and 1c are expected to be completed between January and May of 2021. The State has not yet finalized who will be eligible for vaccination during these phases. By June, it is anticipated that Connecticut will move into Phase 2 and the vaccine will be provided to the general population.  At that point, it is expected that the vaccine will be available through medical providers, CVS and Walgreen’s pharmacies, and clinics.

Once the criteria for vaccination is met, whether based upon age, health status or employment category, Westporters are encouraged to schedule an appointment for vaccination.  We expect that the scheduling processes and technology for the general public will be made available as subsequent vaccination phases are announced.  According to DPH, the COVID-19 vaccinations are thoroughly tested, safe, and effective.  Please read the information on the vaccine at the links below and discuss any medical concerns with your personal physician at your earliest convenience. 

Although current vaccines do not contain the virus that causes COVID-19, there is a possibility that the virus may be contracted from another source and people may remain asymptomatic and contagious even after vaccination.  As a result, the town will continue observing COVID-19 protocols (e.g. wearing a face mask, physical distancing, routine deep sanitization, etc.) until it is deemed safe to discontinue those health and safety practices. Any plans for reopening sectors will follow guidance from the CT DPH. - -

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