Town Hall James Bairaktaris Town Hall James Bairaktaris

First Selectman’s COVID-19 Update: Most Town Buildings to Reopen - Masks Required

Press Release from First Selectman Jim Marpe issued the following update today:

“Effective June 1, Town facilities, including the Westport Library, will be expanding capacity with the goal of returning to full in person and pre-COVID access. However, given the uncertainty of vaccination status, masks will continue to be required in all Town facilities. The following procedures will be in place” - Westport First Selectman Jim Marpe

Yesterday, Governor Ned Lamont signed an executive order enacting updated COVID-19 mask protocols in response to the new recommendations released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These recommendations allow fully vaccinated individuals to forego the use of a mask either when outdoors or when indoors with other fully vaccinated individuals. According to the Governor’s order, a face covering is required when indoors in a public place or when safe social distancing of approximately six feet from every other person is not maintained - specifically for those who are not fully vaccinated. Click here to read the entire Executive Order No. 12. According to the Westport Weston Health District, “In accordance with CDC and the CT Department of Public Health guidelines, the use of masks outdoors is no longer required, but recommended if an individual is outdoors in crowded conditions with others of unknown vaccination status and it is not possible to physically distance from others. Businesses, state and local government offices and event organizers may choose to require universal masking when there is uncertainty of the vaccination status of individuals visiting their facility and/or large crowds may be anticipated.” More information from the CT DPH can be found here.

Please note that this guidance does not mean that masks are no longer required or that social distancing is not recommended. Rather, it is a communication to those who are fully vaccinated that they may forego the use of a mask in certain, if not most, circumstances. Individual businesses and offices may continue to require people to wear a mask in their facilities.

Currently, there is no process in place to recognize the vaccination status of others. Because of that uncertainty, it is recommended that individuals err on the side of caution and assume in certain larger gatherings that there are those who are unvaccinated, and a mask should be worn. Since many institutions will follow this logic, most indoor mask wearing provisions will remain in place until there is a higher degree of certainty of increased vaccination rates.

Effective June 1, Town facilities, including the Westport Library, will be expanding capacity with the goal of returning to full in person and pre-COVID access. However, given the uncertainty of vaccination status, masks will continue to be required in all Town facilities. The following procedures will be in place:

Town Hall:

  • The building continues to be open to the public. Effective June 1, walk-in services for certain departments will be reintroduced. Visitors may park in the front or the rear of the building and enter through the front entrance or the handicap ramp. Sign-in will continue as visitors enter the building at the reception area. Masks will be required to enter Town Hall.


  • Appointments and remote services continue to be encouraged for the most efficient service. Most appointments will occur in the Town Hall lobby to allow for optimal air circulation and social distancing. For those who prefer to meet outdoors, the exterior tent will be reinstalled.

  • Plan review meetings with the Land Use Departments (Planning & Zoning, Conservation, Building and Fire Marshal) continue to be encouraged using remote technology, but those requiring in-person meetings that exceed 15 minutes should schedule an appointment during the hours of 9:30 am-12:30 pm Monday – Friday in the Town Hall lobby. Plan review with the Building Department and Fire Marshal will follow the same protocol at Fire Headquarters at 515 Post Road East.

Public Meetings:

  • Some public meetings will begin to return to in-person attendance by both Board/Commission members and the public. Municipalities are still authorized to host remote public meetings until July. It is expected that additional board, committee and commission in-person meetings will gradually return over this time period. Public meeting announcements will indicate how meetings will be conducted.

Parks & Recreation:

  • The Parks & Recreation Department will reopen its administrative office to the public beginning June 1. Masks must be worn. Please practice social distancing. Remote and online options remain the preferred methods of interacting with the Parks and Recreation Department.

Police Department:

  • The Police Department lobby is fully open, including the records window. Follow signage for safety procedures. Remote and online services remain preferred methods of business interaction.

Reopening Updates:

  • For the latest on reopening updates, please visit here. Our goal is to make the Town’s transition to pre-COVID operations as safe as possible for residents and employees. Your continued patience and cooperation are appreciated.

Certainly, anyone may wear a mask if they prefer to do so. Civil and courteous behavior towards all should continue to be the norm. Some individuals with underlying medical conditions who may be more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19 should consider continued mask wearing. Such conditions include cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD, diabetes and those immunocompromised. More information on underlying medical conditions can be found here.

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Town Hall James Bairaktaris Town Hall James Bairaktaris

Board of Selectmen Resume In-Person Meeting at Town Hall, Welcomes Public to Attend Socially-Distanced

The Westport Board of Selectman, l-r Second Selectwoman Jen Tooker, First Selectman Jim Marpe, and Third Selectwoman Melissa Kane, met at the Town Hall Auditorium for this morning’s Board of Selectmen meeting. Held virtually since March, the Board members were excited to be back on the stage for the meeting and welcomed members of the public to begin attending meetings in-person at the large meeting space.

The meeting began with members describing announcements for the community, which included the Westport Library’s Booked event with violinist Itzhak Perlman, the beginning of the Westport Farmer’s Market tomorrow , the Westport Women’s Club Art Show, and the Westport Garden Club’s plant sale next week.

They continued the agenda to accept gifts for the Town of Westport Art Collection from notable local artists such as Larry Silver, Jerri Graham, and Naiad and Walter Einsel. The pieces will be added to the collection, which is shared throughout the town’s public buildings, such as the schools, and will include a Fall showing at the MoCA Westport.

They then gave support for a July 11th Westport Artists Collective trunk sale, which will be located in the Jesup Road parking lot. Selectwoman Kane assured that the organization would contact the local businesses whose customers use the lot to park while shopping in the downtown area.

The last three agenda items referred to infrastructure - both digital and physical. The new Town of Westport website system was described as a success, with a request for addition items for the online hosting of Westport’s Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. The website allows for residents and Town employees to quickly access regulations and permits within the Town through a simple to use website. The upgrades would allow the Town to continue its ability to be user-friendly and would coincide with the town’s recent updates to the entire online system. Westport was ahead of the game when the pandemic struck, as many Town functions were already digitized for residents and staff to use.

The Board then discussed a sanitary sewer project in the Main Street area of Gorham Avenue and Lone Pine Lane, for which AI Engineers of Middletown was awarded the design contract. Director of Public Works Peter Ratkiewich said that about 75% of homes in the area were in favor of the upgrades, which was also described as a long-haul project by the Director. The Board supported the contract.

The big ticket item on the agenda was the approval of a contract for a $455,800.00 appropriation for underground fuel and oil tank upgrades at the Parsell Public Works center on the Sherwood Island Connector. The project would upgrade the current tanks to above ground tanks for both vehicle fueling stations as well as the heating oil holding tanks. The Board supported the contract, which was won by American Petroleum Equipment and Construction Company.

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Community, Town Hall James Bairaktaris Community, Town Hall James Bairaktaris

First Selectman: No Compo Beach Fireworks this Independence Day

Press Release, First Selectman Jim Marpe

 Town of Westport officials, in collaboration with the Board of Trustees of the Westport Police Athletic League (PAL), have decided not to hold the annual Compo Beach Independence Day fireworks this year. Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), current and expected guidance from the State’s Department of Health (DPH) regarding large-scale events, and the continued uncertainty of the pandemic and its variants have been considered. Based on this information, it is in the best interest of residents, visitors, employees, and the organizers to forego this highly attended event this year.  

Although mask wearing rules are being relaxed and we are headed toward widespread vaccination, the CDC and other health and government officials continue to recommend social distancing in large gatherings of any kind for the foreseeable future. Westport Weston Health District Director Mark Cooper stated, “The CDC recommends that everyone, fully vaccinated or not, should social distance and continue wearing masks in crowded settings and outdoor venues like concerts and sporting events where you will be around large groups of strangers. In most outdoor scenarios, the transmission risk is low. However, when outside in places where you are likely to be with many people from outside your household, people must maintain social distancing and should still wear face coverings.” 

As a practical matter, there is no way to enforce social distancing and mask wearing in the crowded environment of the Compo Beach fireworks event. It is inadvisable to plan for an event like the Town’s annual fireworks display where thousands of people congregate in close proximity and cannot socially distance. The possibility of alternative sites was considered, but all of them created even greater concerns regarding accessibility, safety and logistics.

Unfortunately, there is no luxury of taking a “wait and see” approach to determine where the community is in its COVID recovery efforts come July. The logistics and the need for early planning, permitting, and funding, as well as arranging for the display itself, requires significant lead time. PAL is the longtime sponsor of this annual event, and, although the Town is very much involved in planning and conducting, it is not Town funded. The decision as to whether to hold this major, large-scale event needed to be made now, based on the information available at this time, and in coordination with all the organizers.

Mr. Marpe stated, “I am disappointed that this year Westport could not hold the large celebration we had hoped for. But our town has come too far in our successful battle to overcome COVID to risk a possible setback by conducting a major gathering prematurely. I am happy that this year’s July 4th holiday still offers an opportunity to celebrate safely with smaller groups of families, friends, and neighbors.” 

“We have had tremendous support from so many individuals and town organizations throughout this past year. It took a community-wide effort to manage this devastating health crisis. We have not yet completed the race, but we are closer to the finish line, and nearing a return to normalcy. I am confident that next year’s celebration at Compo Beach will be the most memorable one in many years.”

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Town Hall James Bairaktaris Town Hall James Bairaktaris

First Selectman: Beach Passes Begin Tomorrow, Eversource in Hot Water over Poor Storm Isaias Response

Press Release

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has published interim public health recommendations for fully vaccinated individuals.  Included in the guidance is that fully vaccinated individuals may forego the use of a mask when outdoors, or when in the company of other fully vaccinated individuals. Among other provisions, the use of a mask, and social distancing is still required when in a crowded outdoor setting or when indoors with others who are not vaccinated. The full guidance can be found here.

Last week, we shared Governor Lamont’s announcement to ease the COVID restrictions in the State of CT.  Effective tomorrow, May 1, all restaurants will be allowed to remain open until a 12:00 AM closing time.  Beverage-only service outdoors will be permissible and the 8-person limit on outdoor dining will be lifted.

As a reminder, as of May 1, vehicle parking emblems will be required on all vehicles to enter Compo, Soundview and Old Mill beach parking lots and on May 29, 2021 at Burying Hill Beach. All vehicle parking emblem purchases must be made online at Daily parking for non-residents will be allowed this summer at Compo Beach and Burying Hill Beach. Visit for daily parking rates.

Effective Wednesday, May 19, all remaining State gathering restrictions will be lifted, except, masks will continue to be required in all indoor public settings where social distancing is not possible. We encourage those who are fully vaccinated to follow the CDC guidance for mask wearing and social distancing in crowded outdoor settings.  The State revisions are contingent upon a low incidence of COVID-19 and the Connecticut population continuing to get vaccinated. Additional clarification is still forthcoming.

In our last several messages, we outlined the various town entities and departments that are making efforts to return to normalcy by planning outdoor events and activities this spring and summer.  We continue to encourage and support outdoor activities that can be conducted with caution and sensitivity for all.  As we reintroduce these types of gatherings, our priority is to maintain the health and safety of residents and employees. 


Plans continue for holding the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 31, 2021. Organizers will be asking parade participants and observers to create a socially distanced and safe parade by taking into consideration the current conditions and advice from the CDC relative to outdoor gatherings. With hopes for good weather, we are looking forward to this wonderful Westport tradition that honors veterans and service members.  We encourage all who attend to wear a mask in crowded areas and to social distance. 


We continue to urge everyone who is eligible to get vaccinated as soon as possible.  Walkup clinics that do not require an appointment can be found here.


For the latest updates on COVID-19, visit the Westport Weston Health District website.


PURA Final Decision

On Wednesday, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) released its Final Decision on its investigation into Electric Distribution companies’ Preparation for and Response to Tropical Storm Isaias.  As it relates to Eversource, PURA concluded that:


“Eversource did not satisfy the performance standards for managing its municipal liaison program, executing its Make Safe responsibilities, communicating critical information to its customers, or meeting its obligation to secure adequate resources in a timely manner.” 


As a result, PURA will consider fines and penalties against Eversource and will require a reduction in ratemaking return on equity for Eversource.


I provided lengthy testimony related to PURA’s investigation on behalf of the many residents who reached out to Town Hall and Town officials in search of support and assistance during the aftermath of Storm Isaias.  I am pleased that PURA heard the evidence and is taking significant action to ensure customers receive better service from utility providers during emergency situations.  PURA’s full final decision can be found here.  For more information on the Town of Westport’s response and follow up on Storm Isaias, please click here.

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Town Hall James Bairaktaris Town Hall James Bairaktaris

First Selectman’s Update: More Activities Planned as Summer Begins in Westport

Press Release

Westport, CT - First Selectman Jim Marpe issued the following update today:


As of April 16, the percent of Westport’s population that has received at least the first COVID-19 vaccination dose is as follows:

  •  65+         93%

  • 45-64      83%

  • 15-44      50%


These vaccination statistics are encouraging, and it is recommended that all residents who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine do so as soon as possible.  Click here to find a vaccine provider near you and book an appointment.  1) Enter your zip code; 2) Choose a provider from the list of options, use that provider’s scheduling system to make an appointment. To register for an appointment via telephone, call Connecticut’s COVID-19 Vaccine Appointment Assist Line at 877-918-2224.

Given the success of Connecticut’s vaccine roll out, Governor Lamont recently announced significant easing of COVID restrictions. These revisions are contingent upon a low incidence of COVID-19 and the Connecticut population continuing to get vaccinated. Additional clarification will be forthcoming:

  • Effective Saturday, May 1, 2021, all restaurants will be allowed to remain open until a 12:00 AM closing time. Beverage-only service outdoors will be permissible and the 8-person limit on outdoor dining will be lifted.

  • Effective Wednesday, May 19, 2021, all remaining gathering restrictions will be lifted, except masks will continue to be required in all indoor public settings where social distancing is not possible.

The Town of Westport municipal buildings remain open to the public by appointment. Throughout the pandemic, Town departments maintained the capacity to offer and fulfill all town services.  Residents are encouraged to continue accessing town services online. Members of the public may also schedule appointments for in-person meetings or other services that require additional assistance.

Governor Lamont’s declaration renewing the public health and civil preparedness emergencies allows for continuing remote public meetings. This declaration remains in effect through May 20, 2021.  Town officials are monitoring both changes to the declaration, as well as legislation that might allow for the possibility of in-person “hybrid meetings.”  Hybrid public meetings will allow both in-person and remote participation. Last week, the technical capabilities to conduct hybrid meetings were successfully tested at the Board of Selectman meeting. It is expected that in the near future, the State will authorize municipalities to host hybrid public meetings. In the meantime, public meetings will continue to be conducted via Zoom.

Planning is ongoing for opening or expanding the following town amenities and activities:

  • The Center for Senior Activities and Toquet Hall are planning for the possibility of outdoor and limited indoor programming in late spring or early summer.


  • As of May 1, 2021, vehicle parking emblems will be required on all vehicles to enter Compo, Soundview and Old Mill beach parking lots and on May 29, 2021 at Burying Hill Beach. All vehicle parking emblem purchases must be made online at Daily parking for non-residents will be allowed this summer at Compo Beach and Burying Hill Beach. Visit for daily parking rates.


  • The Parks & Recreation Department and Selectman’s Office continue to plan for a Memorial Day parade. The Fourth of July fireworks event is still under consideration pending further guidance from the State.


  • The Parks and Recreation Department is currently preparing to open its facilities and is planning to offer programs that were not available last summer due to COVID-19. The Department’s goal is to create safe environments for all facility users and program participants by following best practices and State guidelines.


  • Longshore Golf Course is open for play, as are several tennis locations. The Compo Beach pickleball courts, the skate park facility, platform tennis, Compo basketball courts, and playgrounds are open as well.


  • The Board of Selectmen approved the Downtown Merchants Association’s Fitness and Health Expo scheduled for May 1 (rain date May 2) and the Fine Arts Festival scheduled for May 29-30.


  • The Board of Selectmen approved the closure of Church Lane to allow for expanded outdoor dining.


  • The Board of Selectmen approved the use of the Imperial Avenue Lot for the Remarkable Theater’s Drive-In Movie Theater and for the Westport Weston Chamber of Commerce and Westport Library’s Supper and Soul events.


  • The Levitt Pavilion is planning its season, to be held in compliance with any necessary COVID considerations related to outdoor venues. The first performance has been announced for June 14.


  • Today, Progressive Diagnostics opened a “same day” public testing site at the Saugatuck Railroad Station Parking Lot 8, adjacent to Exit 17 on Saugatuck Avenue. Services are available Mondays-Fridays 8am – 4pm and Saturdays 8am – 1pm.

The plans for town-wide re-opening and the opportunity for Westporters to “return to normal” are encouraging, but we should be cautiously optimistic. According to the CT Department of Public Health, 122 municipalities out of 169 (including Westport) remain in the highest COVID alert level (red).  This designation is cause for concern, although more recent daily statistics indicate a downward curve in the spread. 

It is also important to understand and recognize that being vaccinated does not prevent individuals from being COVID positive and transmitting the virus. Please continue to remain informed and balance COVID safety with personal priorities for physical and mental wellbeing. This includes being empathetic to those around you and the individual choices they make. I encourage those who are vaccinated to be mindful and respectful of those who are not or have differing opinions about the current guidelines and status of the pandemic. Westport town officials will continue to follow and employ the science experts’ advice and guidance so that all in our community will be safe and healthy. 

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Community, Town Hall James Bairaktaris Community, Town Hall James Bairaktaris

Westport Hazardous Waste Day Set for April 24th

Press Release

 The Westport Public Works Department announced today that the annual Household Hazardous Waste Day will be Saturday, April 24, 2021 from 9am – 2pm at the Greens Farm Railroad Station, Parking Lot #1, New Creek Road (between I-95 and the Metro-North Railroad tracks) in Westport. NOTE: New date and location.  

Designed to provide a safe option to keep household hazardous wastes out of the municipal solid waste stream and protect land and water from potential contamination, Household Hazardous Waste Day is a NO CHARGE regional program for residents of Westport, Wilton, Norwalk, New Canaan, Darien, Stamford & Greenwich. 

A general outline of household areas and the typical chemicals that may be found in homes:

Garage:  paints, gasoline, kerosene, mineral spirits, spray paint, paint strippers, paint thinners, solvents, stains, turpentine, varnishes, wood preservatives, degreasers, etc.

Garden shed:  fertilizers, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, etc.

General household:  bleach, charcoal lighter, cleaning chemicals, drain cleaners, flammable liquids, mercury thermometers, moth balls, pet flea shampoos, photo chemicals, rug shampoos, spot removers, art supplies & paints, etc.


Before bringing hazardous household items to the collection site:

  • Make sure items are clearly labeled and NEVER MIX CHEMICALS.  Incompatible products may react, ignite, or explode, and mixed waste may become not be recyclable. 

  • Keep products in original labeled container. 

  • Place leaky containers in clear plastic bags. 

  • Tighten lids of all containers and pack items in sturdy cardboard boxes lined with newspaper. 

  • Put boxes in the trunk or in the back of the vehicle away from passengers. 

  • Leave pets and children home when bringing hazardous materials for collection. 

  • Keep your windows open and drive directly to the collection site. 

  • Do not smoke or eat while handling hazardous materials.

  • Antifreeze, motor oil, batteries of any type, fluorescent bulbs, compact fluorescent bulbs and electronics can also be recycled at the Westport Transfer Station, 300 Sherwood Island Connector, Monday-Friday 7:00 am – 2:30 pm, Saturday 7:00 am – 12:00 pm. 

COVID protocols will be in place this year, including: 

  • Residents must place ALL Household Hazardous Waste in the trunk or rear of their vehicles.  

  • Residents are asked to remain in their vehicle at all times.

  • Only fuel containers will be returned to residents.

  • Residents are asked to have patience.  Lines may be longer than usual. 

Those with additional questions may contact the Westport Public Works Department at 203-341-1793 or reference the webpage

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Town Hall, Politics James Bairaktaris Town Hall, Politics James Bairaktaris

First Selectman Jim Marpe Announces He Will Not Seek Re-Election: “every organization benefits from regular changes in senior leadership”

Press Release

First Selectman Jim Marpe announced today that he will not pursue re-election for a third term in the upcoming November municipal general election.

Mr. Marpe said, “It has been an honor to serve my community as its Chief Elected Official for the past seven years, and I deeply appreciate the bi-partisan support and encouragement I have received throughout that time. While the Westport Town Charter does not place term limits on our elected officials, my experience in the private sector taught me that every organization benefits from regular changes in senior leadership. I am proud of what my administration has accomplished or set in motion, including our responses to COVID-19, fiscal responsibility, physical improvements, and addressing social justice concerns. We have prioritized the delivery of superior services at a predictable cost to the taxpayer. As such, I am very proud that we kept the mill rate stable throughout my entire term in office.

I also know that the real key to our success as a community is the professionalism and commitment to serving our residents that is exhibited every day by the women and men who are employed by the Town and the Westport Public Schools.  It is also the result of the remarkable dedication and creativity of our dozens of citizen volunteers and elected officials. I am so fortunate to have led a team of employees and residents that is the envy of my counterparts in other communities.

During the remaining seven months of my term, I will continue to focus on leading Westport safely out of the pandemic tunnel we have been in for the past year, as well as achieving or launching the initiatives that I have described in various budget and State of the Town presentations. When I first ran for election to the Selectman’s Office, I committed to bringing a citizen-centric, professional management style to my responsibilities, and I assure you that will continue into November.

I want to thank the voters of Westport for allowing me the opportunity to have the special privilege of serving them in the First Selectman’s Office. I remain humbled by, and grateful for, the responsibility you have granted me.” 

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Town Hall James Bairaktaris Town Hall James Bairaktaris

Selectman: "Please remind your children to wear masks”; Update on COVID-19 in Westport

Press Release

First Selectman Jim Marpe issued the following update today:

Beginning today, all Connecticut residents and workers aged 16 and older are eligible to schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment.  For local vaccine scheduling instructions and locations, go to  

Health officials are urging all who are able and eligible to register to get vaccinated. Those requiring special services and assistance involving homebound vaccinations or transportation to vaccination appointments through Westport Transit  may contact the Westport Department of Human Services at 203-341-1050. Fortunately, many of the most vulnerable in Westport are already vaccinated. They are enjoying the peace of mind and realization that they are doing their part to help our community, neighbors, families, and friends move into a spring and summer with less fear of infection from this horrible virus. Although numerous people have been vaccinated, it is vital that COVID protocols remain in place until we are certain that transmission is decreasing.  

Currently, there is a surge in COVID-19 cases in Connecticut, and Westport remains in the red category with 28.5 positive cases per 100,000 population.  We are seeing the effects of more social gatherings, travel, and a relaxation of COVID protocols. Travel increases the chance of getting and transmitting COVID-19. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that you refrain from non-essential travel and  follow the travel guidelines, The CDC also recommends continuing to follow its COVID guidelines and protocols, specifically mask wearing, social distancing, and good hygiene, even as restrictions are loosened and the vaccine is further administered. Please ensure that masks are properly discarded in wastebaskets and do not become litter on our roads, open spaces, or bodies of water.  

Much of the uptick in cases is occurring in younger residents and those in their 20’s and 30’s.  We are aware that there have been several reports of large teen and youth groups gathering at Compo Beach without masks.  Parents, please remind your children to wear masks when they cannot socially distance, even at the beach and other outdoor locations.  

The Governor’s Executive Orders declaring a state-of-emergency have been extended to May 20, 2020.  That means that various COVID protocols and restrictions remain in place unless noted otherwise.  The State will also allow the extension of the relaxed restrictions on outdoor dining at restaurants.  In a related action, at its March meeting, the Westport Planning and Zoning Commission again adopted flexible zoning regulations that extend opportunities for outdoor dining, and the use of outdoor studios by local gyms and fitness centers. 

The Town continues to work towards reopening more amenities and activities with the optimism that Westport will return to the yellow or grey status on the State’s color-coded COVID map, and that more people will be fully vaccinated.  These include:

  • The Center for Senior Activities and Toquet Hall are planning for the possibility of outdoor and limited indoor programming in late spring or early summer.  

  • The Parks & Recreation Department and Selectman’s Office continue to plan for a Memorial Day parade.

  • The Parks and Recreation Department is currently preparing to open its facilities and is planning to offer programs that were not available last year due to COVID-19.  It will strive to create safe environments for all facility users and program participants by following best practices and state guidelines. 

  • The Parks & Recreation Department has announced that Longshore Golf Course is open for play, as are several tennis locations, Compo Beach pickleball courts, the Skate Park facility, Platform Tennis, Compo Basketball courts, and playgrounds.

  • The Board of Selectmen approved the Downtown Merchants Association’s Fitness and Health Expo scheduled for May 1 (rain date May 2) and the Fine Arts Festival scheduled for May 29-30.

  • The Board of Selectmen approved the closure of Church Lane commencing April 15 to allow for expanded outdoor dining.

  • The Board of Selectmen approved the use of the Imperial Avenue Lot for the Remarkable Theater’s Drive-In Movie Theater and for the Westport Weston Chamber of Commerce and Westport Library’s Supper and Soul events.

  • The Levitt Pavilion is planning its season, to be held in compliance with any necessary COVID considerations related to outdoor venues. 

Westport is approaching the end of the Passover week, as well as the upcoming Easter weekend, both of which are important symbols of renewal and new beginnings that we associate with the arrival of spring. I wish all who observe these important holidays the joy that is associated with those celebrations. And to all Westport residents, I ask for a renewed commitment to working through the COVID pandemic together in a safe and responsible manner. In doing so, we can all enjoy the pleasures of our community that come with the spring and summer months.

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Town Hall James Bairaktaris Town Hall James Bairaktaris

Leaf Blower Ordinance Creates Heated Discussion; Not Enough Information to Pass

Last night’s RTM Ordinance Committee Meeting became heated as RTM and members of the public discussed the proposed ordinance in Westport that would limit the usage of gasoline powered leaf blowers. By the end of the four hour meeting, tempers had flared, lots of questions were raised, and the proposal could not be moved to the next phase in the RTM’s ordinance process.

The ordinance proposal would limit the usage of gasoline power leaf blowers to certain hours of the day, and only during certain weeks of the year - such as Spring and Fall periods. It also would limit the amount of blowers a property could have based on its size. The ordinance would be enforced by the Westport Police Department, according to RTM members proposing the ordinance.

The proposal comes from RTM (district) members Kristin Schneeman (9th), Andrew Colabella (4th) , and Jessica Bram (6th), and was presented to the RTM Ordinance Committee: District 7: Brandi Briggs, Chair (7th), Peter Gold (5th), Kristan Hamlin (4th), Lauren Karpf (7th), Christine Meiers-Schatz (2nd), Stephen Shackelford (8th); Kristin Schneeman is also a member of the Ordinance Committee. The meeting was attended by over 50 residents, business owners, in addition to State Representative Steinberg and employees for the Town of Westport.

Kristin Schneeman, who is the Director of The Milken Institute’s FasterCures Center and has a background in medical research, mostly spoke on behalf of the trio of RTM members proposing the ordinance and described the ordinance as necessary due to the dangers of both environmental pollution as well as the dangers to one’s health and well-being. Schneeman explained her working home for the past 15 years and the displeasure of the noise of neighbors’ leaf blowers throughout the days. After researching the topic, she said she was surprised by how detrimental the machines really were to both her health and the environment.

Westport Parks & Recreation Director Jan Fava began on a negative note, and described concern for the ordinance - stating that residents and visitors to parks such as Longshore would have to expect a different level of care if the ordinance were to pass. She explained that the Parks & Recreation crews need to use the blowers in the mornings due to tee times beginning near sunrise. Fava also described the need for powerful machines to clear debris from the fields and greens, and the need for multiple machines to cover the large spaces efficiently. Kristan Hamlin (4th) said that regardless of whether or not Longshore is a golf course, they should be held to the same standard as the property is surrounded by residential neighborhoods.

A large supporter of the ordinance was Dan Delventhal, who owns Mowgreen landscaping company. Delventhal’s Fairfield-based company is a fully-electric landscaping service, and services some homes as large as 5 acres “fully electric.” He cited the machines’ long term cost savings in addition to their benefits to health and air pollution. He claimed that 2019 say a 3.5% increase to greenhouse gases, with “10% of all air pollution coming from small gas gear.”

The conversation quickly became heated, as RTM members Jimmy Izzo (3rd) and Peter Gold (5th) began a debate when Gold described a hypothetical comparison: chemical run-off onto a neighbor’s lawn being similar to noise pollution from a neighbor’s gas powered leaf blower bringing up. Izzo, who was apparently not in favor of the proposal, shouted at Gold after the fellow RTM member mentioned his name “don’t tell me what to do with my equipment!” before a point of order was called.

Wendy Batteau (8th) was also opposed to the ordinance, citing the community’s responsibility to look out for the landscape workers serving the community. She described her worry for them and their businesses, including the inability to attend the Zoom meeting due to lack of access. She quickly added that she didn’t appreciate “stealth lobbying” performed by the proposing members, including an 11:00 PM phone call to her the night before the ordinance committee meeting by Schneeman.

Several local landscapers spoke up on their own behalf, like Westport’s Donny Macaluso, who described the large investments he’s made and the loss he would suffer should the ordinance pass.

RTM member Andrew Colabella stated that Westport Police Chief Foti Koskinas was uncomfortable with the idea of police enforcement of the ordinance due to the type of evidence a private citizen’s report would contain. Colabella also described the Department being low on manpower, stating that the usual 64 member force is “well under that” right now . Schneeman added to the enforcement portion of the ordinance, stating that “we wouldn’t want police officers in police cruisers rolling up to landscaping crews in Westport, for a variety of other reasons.” She did not elaborate.

The meeting, which ended around 11:30 PM, did not provide enough information for the ordinance to pass onto the next phase - as all present members of the Ordinance Committee, except Schneeman, voted to push the proposal back to other committees for further discussion and conversation prior to its return to the Ordinance Committee.

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Politics, Town Hall James Bairaktaris Politics, Town Hall James Bairaktaris

Positive Changes: Selectmen Discuss Fine Arts Fest, Pedestrian-Only Church Lane, and Garden Club Plant Sale at 9 AM Meeting

A slew of warm-weather topics will be discussed at this morning’s Board of Selectmen meeting. The Board of Selectmen’s agenda describes several activities which were cancelled or changed in 2020 due to the pandemic, making 2021 the year of their return - if permitted. Residents and local business owners are urged to attend meetings such as this to voice their opinions on the topics at hand.

Returning events would include the Downtown Merchant Association Fine Arts Festival, which is slated to be held on the weekend of May 29th if approved by the Board, and the Westport Garden Club’s Annual Plant Sale, which would be held on Jesup Green on Friday, May 14th if approved.

They will also discuss the closure of Main Street on May 1st for the Downtown Merchant Association Fitness and Health event, which included fitness classes and information on health and wellness throughout the day on the business section of the street.

Many residents loved when Church Lane was closed to all vehicle traffic in Summer 2020, allowing it to be used completely by pedestrians and restaurants for additional outdoor seating. If approved, the street will again be closed from April 30th until September 30th to allow pedestrians and diners alike to enjoy the extra downtown space alongside the newly renovated Bedford Square throughout Summer 2021.

The meeting begins at 9:00 AM today, and can be seen on Optimum channel 79, Frontier channel 6020, or online at this link.

Public comments in support or opposition to the above topics can be emailed to

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