The Westport Local Press

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Local Kids’ “Crumby But Yummy” Lemonade and Bake Sale Benefits Animals in Need

Westporters Jack Steel (10) and Lucas Robinson (10) behind their stand. photo

During the hottest hours of the day today, drivers heading down Hillandale Road could find cool refuge with a cup of iced lemonade and a bit of afternoon pep with homemade energy bites. Westporters Jack Steel and Lucas Robinson, both ten, put up a lemonade and bake sale stand at 3 Hillandale Road - recreating a classic scene of Americana as the local kids learned the ropes of business while raising funds for charity.

Animal Control Officer Peter Reid introduced Jack and Lucas to the dachshund in his care after a cool drink of lemonade. 

With a plan they’ve wanted to launch for months, Robinson described that he’s been learning about business, and knew that his friend Jack was great at baking - so the two joined together to sell Jack’s energy bites with Lucas’ lemonade. As parents watched nearby, the boys waved at everyone who passed the blue table - even grabbing the attention of Westport Animal Control Officer Peter Reid on his way to the Westport Animal Shelter. The boys were excited to meet the local ACO, and the dachshund in his care, as one half of all of their profits are being donated to the ASPCA.

The boys said that business was slow yesterday, but quickly picked up today in their first hour. “Business is booming!” exclaimed Robinson as more cars pulled over for the afternoon treat. The little Westporters are selling their lemonade and energy bites for $1 each, and will be out front of 3 Hillandale Road again tomorrow during what’s forecast to be another beautiful Summer day in Westport.

A community comes together over a cup of lemonade on Hillandale Road.