A Hometown Hero’s Welcome: Julia Marino Returns to Westport April 2nd for Westport Library Celebration
Photo by Kirsty Wigglesworth of the Associated Press
Westporter, snowboarder, and now silver medaling Olympian Julia Marino will be returning home this Spring to celebrate with the community her triumphs in Beijing. The free family event will be held at the Westport Library on Saturday, April 2nd at 7:00 PM and will include an interview by renowned journalist and fellow Westporter Dave Briggs, words from First Selectwoman Jen Tooker, and time for complimentary Shake Shack ice cream or beer and wine (for kids and adults, respectively) while Marino signs autographs.
The event is organized by The Westport Library in concert with the Weston-Westport Chamber of Commerce, The Grapevine, and Westport Lifestyle Magazine.