Air Quality Issues Leave Westport Beaches Nearly Empty Thursday
Old Mill Beach had virtually no visitors on Thursday, except for those pictured below
Photos & Story By J.C. Martin For Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.
The Old Mill Beach gate guard confirmed the beach was groomed early Thursday morning and by end of day it was clear from the lack of footprints that there were almost no visitors that day. It was much the same at Compo Beach. The exception here is clearly the more than a score of shorebirds who were taking advantage of the ebb current, the receding tide, to score an easy dinner.
There were more than a dozen Black Crowned Night Herons including a juvenile (brown feathers) who were joined by several both Snowy and Great Egrets as well as the omnipresent seagulls. The only activity was the jostling for position among these beautiful shorebirds to get the best "seat at the table" so to speak.