“Dear Sante”: What Kids (Actually) Wrote to Santa in 2020
2020 was, as one child wrote in their letter to Santa, “all upside down”. This is a special report on what some kids wrote to Santa in 2020, a year that will surely - hopefully - be like no other. From the hysterical to heart breaking - kids had some specific requests and messages this year for Santa.
These are actual Santa Claus letter excerpts from over a dozen local children.
“Dear Sante,”
“I know I wasn’t good this year and I know that I can’t make it up to you in the next four days”
“Some of this year I’ve been naughty but I will work on my attitude this new year.”
“I have tried to be good this year”
“I am a good girhl”
I Wish For:
“My Christmas wish for this year is for corona virus to end amidiatlely”
“Babysitter’s Club books”
“a Tik-Tok account”
“I don’t know if these are kids safe, but if they are, I would love a Quest VR headset”
“garbage truck that opens”
“Please get me a PC or a laptop if you can’t manage to get a PS5 because my PS4 has been glitching so much lately”
“the food peas”
“v Bucks”
“Golden lab. I got permishan from my mom but if you cannot get me a golden lab I want a kayak”
“Drew McIntyre action figure”
“duvet cover”
“My friends canser to be gone”