Saugatuck Bridge Saga: Selectman Corrects Info; DOT Says Restoration of Current Bridge Remains “One Potential Solution”

The Saugatuck River Bridge, or Cribari Memorial Bridge, opening for boat traffic on July 5th 2020. Photo by Jaime Bairaktaris. 
Press Release 02/16/21

First Selectman Jim Marpe has issued a correction to the February 8, 2021 press release at the request of Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) Deputy Commissioner Mark Rolfe.  Upon subsequent communications on February 9, Deputy Commissioner Rolfe indicated that the DOT has not reached any final decision on the five alternatives for the Cribari Bridge under consideration.  He further indicated that the draft Environmental Assessment (EA) will not be released mid-March, but rather is, at best, a few months away from being released. 


The February 8, 2021 press release stated that “DOT is completing the Environmental Assessment (EA) of Bridge No. 01349, a/k/a William F. Cribari Memorial Bridge (Cribari Bridge) and will release its report in mid-March.”  It also indicated that the EA’s conclusion and the DOT’s recommendation is to replace the bridge with a new on-alignment structure which meets Federal Highway Administration standards, rather than preserve the existing structure.


Deputy Commissioner Rolfe stated that, “To be clear, the EA for the Cribari Bridge is not complete, nor have any final decisions been made with regard to the recommended alternative.  The DOT seeks to continue the dialogue with stakeholders regarding this project.  One potential solution is for the DOT to restore the existing bridge to a state of good repair and then transfer ownership of the bridge and a segment of Route 136 to the Town of Westport.” 


The Selectman’s Office will continue to make public announcements regarding the Cribari Bridge EA and any subsequent DOT recommendations for the bridge.  Mr. Marpe added that any DOT recommendation will be subject to further review and approval. 


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Town of Westport Virtual Meeting Schedule: 02/17/21