Last Night’s RTM Meeting: “The Ratkiewich Show” as DPW Seeks Over 1.2 Million for Multiple Plumbing & Paving Projects

Last nights RTM meeting had four agenda items, each one requested by Westport Department of Public Works Director Peter Ratkiewich, and totaling over 1.2 million dollars in appropriations, all passing unanimously. According to the Town, Ratkiewich has been a Westport employee since 1989. He was hired as the Deputy Town Engineer and took over the responsibilities as Town Engineer in October, 2008, and transitioned to DPW Director three years ago after the retirement of long-time DPW Director Steve Edwards.

Item One was a request for an appropriation of $600,000.00 to the Sewer Reserve Fund Account for the replacement of the existing Force Main Serving Pump Station #5, located at Canal Street. Ratkiewich described the pump house being 40 years old, and next on the list of several having been replaced or planning to be replaced throughout the town. The project was described as necessary in order to “keep our infrastructure in a good state of repair.” The appropriation was passed unanimously by the 35 member meeting.

Item Two was a request for an appropriation of $59,400.00 along with bond and note authorization to the Municipal Improvement Fund Account for the engineering design of a proposed extension of public sanitary sewer system for Whitney St, Roseville Road, Fernwood Rd, Plumtree Lane, Pamela Place and Ledgemoor Lane. RTM Member Jessica Bram, District 6, described a concern for residents on the affected streets who don’t want to join the sewer system. Ratkiewich said it wasn’t required, but that the added cost in yearly taxes would be similar to a home privately funding a new septic system when looked at as a yearly cost. He continued to explain that this specific petition had “about 70% of the neighbors signing” that they wished to be connected to the town’s system. The appropriation passed unanimously.

Item Three was a request for an appropriation of $295,000.00 to the Capital and Non-Recurring Account for the reconstruction of the Library Upper Parking Lot. The project will re-pave the entire parking lot that sits between the Library and Levitt Pavilion, the latter of the two locations being important to Matt Mandell, District 1, as he shared hope that the project would not interfere with the non-profit music venue’s season starting in June. Ratkiewich said they would work with the Town to plan the paving project with the schedule that would work for the affected locations. The parking lot’s current state has caused trips and falls of guests to the venues, resulting in costly lawsuits against the Town - placing the project at a higher priority. Ratkiewich also confirmed that it would have little to no environmental effect, as they won’t be disturbing the former landfill that sits beneath the lot. The appropriation passed unanimously.

Item Four was also a request for a paving project, this time an appropriation of $320,000.00 to the Capital and Non-Recurring Account for the reconstruction of the Senior Center Parking Lot. The project would repave the majority of the senior center’s parking lots, except for the newest parking lot created with the center’s recent expansions. When a question of money was brought up, John Klinge, District 7, described that the town should support its seniors, with the project spending “about $40 per senior, while $20,000 is spent on each [school] student.” Andrew Colabella, District 4, furthered the sentiment, saying that the demographic of primary users of the parking lots would benefit from a safer parking lot. The appropriation passed unanimously.

Between 7:00 PM and 9:15 PM, over 1.2 million dollars of appropriations were approved for the Department of Public Works for projects around the community. Jimmy Izzo, District 3, made it clear though that the work of the department does not go unnoticed - especially during snow emergencies such as this Monday’s snow storm when the crews work around the clock for the community. Moderator Velma Heller, District 9, thanked Ratkiewich for his thorough and evidently thoughtful analysis and explanation of topics “not easily understood by everyone.” The meeting adjourned at around 9:15 PM.


Democratic Women of Westport, Staples Young Democrats Host “The Anti-Racist Policy Agenda: Education” Tomorrow at 7:30 PM


Town of Westport Virtual Meeting Schedule: 02/03/21