Clams & Cocktails Achieves Harborwatch Goal At Annual Gala Fundraiser

Photos and Story By J.C. Martin For  Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery

On Saturday evening, Harborwatch, which is a water quality research and education program based out of Earthplace in Westport held it's annual fundraising extravaganza, "Cocktails & Clams" The event was held at Copps Island Oysters waterside location on Long Island Sound just over the Westport line in East Norwalk where Norm Bloom and his family have operated their clam and oyster farm since 1994.

The goal of the annual fundraising event which is very well attended by Westporters including current and former public officials was to raise funds to provide Harbor Watch with a new research boat.

The event reached its fundraising goal to fund a new boat. Norm bloom, who founded Copps Island Oysters has generously supported the organization by hosting this event at his Norwalk location for several years.

Guests who attended were served a variety of delicious foods including oysters fresh off the boat and hors d’oeuvres from Seaside Sliders. Great music by the Shapiro Jazz Trio added to the festive atmosphere as did the beautiful sunny day.

About Harborwatch
The mission of Harborwatch, a 501 (c) (3) non profit corporation is to monitor rivers, streams, and harbors throughout Fairfield County for bacteria that indicate sewage pollution is present. We use our data to work with a network of dedicated municipal partners to ensure pollution sources are quickly remediated.

Photos and Story By J.C. Martin For  Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.

Harbor Watch was founded in 1986 to improve water quality and ecosystem health in Connecticut. They are scientists who provide the data, knowledge, and field expertise needed to safeguard Connecticut waterways, educate our community about watershed issues, and train volunteers and student interns through hands-on research.

Harbor Watch runs several hands-on programs where high school- and college-age students learn local biology and conservation science, including field research, laboratory techniques, and analysis and presentation of environmental data.

If you would like to make a contribution Harbor Watch is seeking additional funding to properly outfit their new vesse and support their student programs. Please go to for more information. To make a donation click  HERE and select Harbor Watch.


And Now…On To The After Party


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