The Westport Local Press

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Drama in The Skies

Mama Osprey returns to her chicks after dispatching an intruder.

Photos By J.C. Martin For  Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery

An intruder entered the nest area of the Terrain Osprey recently and Mama Osprey "flew" into action. The unwanted visitor perched on the antenna array at the Westport FD headquarters nearby which was to close for comfort for her. She went on the attack and what ensued was a dramatic dogfight of sorts with multiple close calls or outright contact. The intruder appeared to be uninjured despite the aggressive Mama bird having a set of razor-like claws which could have caused some real damage. Papa Osprey was nowhere to be seen, which was probably a stoke of luck for the intruder. Perhaps he went for take out at the Saugatuck.