Dolphin Trio Visits Saugatuck Island
Saugatuck Island residents had three more visitors for their weekend plans as this small pod of dolphins enjoyed the calm waters and warm air of Bermuda Lagoon over Saturday and Sunday.
Video and photo courtesy of Gina Oliveira Beranek, who kayaked out into the Lagoon today after first seeing them yesterday to record their playful nature from a safe distance. Beranek said a neighbor had put a call into the Department of Energy & Environmental Protection (DEEP) to alert them to the unusual sight, who said they would give them a few more days before they assisted them in leaving the lagoon if they were stuck.
Although difficult to discern, the coloring may allude to their being white-beaked dolphins, according to NOAA. “White-beaked dolphins are found in colder temperate and subpolar waters throughout the North Atlantic Ocean. Their range includes the waters of eastern North America (Massachusetts to Newfoundland), northern Europe (north of Portugal), Scandinavia, Greenland, the United Kingdom, and the Barents Sea. Their distribution in U.S. waters is limited. They prefer waters less than 650 feet deep.”
Photo by Gina Oliveira Beranek
Click to watch video courtesy of Gina Oliveira Beranek