Local Road Paving Continues

Press Release

Public Works Director Peter Ratkiewich announced today that the Town’s Spring paving program has commenced, with the Library and Westport Center for Senior Activities parking lots completed.

The program will continue through mid-June paving the following town roadways: 

  • Railroad Place

  • Franklin Street

  • Ferry Lane

  • Partrick Road

  • Clinton Avenue

  • Saxon Lane 

  • Timber Lane

  • Moss Ledge

  • Dawn Drive

  • Greens Farms Road

  • Maple Ave North

Once the town roadways are complete, anticipated around mid-June, the following Westport Public Schools properties will be paved:

  • Greens Farms Elementary

  • Long Lots Elementary (partial repaving)

  • Bedford Middle School Entrance Drive and Wakeman Farm Road

  • Coleytown Elementary 

Ratkiewich stated, “The town is pleased to collaborate on shared services with the Westport Public Schools so that paving can be done on both town and school properties this summer.  We look forward to more collaboration on maintenance and facilities management in the future.” 

Questions regarding the project can be referred to the Public Works Office at 203 341 1120.


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