Police Chase, followed by Two Separate Car Accidents, Slow I-95 Saturday Night
Just after 11:00 PM Saturday night, a police pursuit involving Bridgeport and Connecticut State Police passed through Westport on I-95 southbound. Shortly thereafter, the vehicle being pursued - a white Nissan Maxima driven by suspects in a Bridgeport shots fired call - switched directions and got back onto I-95 northbound, passing through Westport again, until the chase ended in the Town of Fairfield at Exit 25 just after 11:00 PM Saturday night. Doingitlocal.com reported from the scene that several were in custody.
At around 11:45 PM, first responders were dispatched to I-95 Northbound between exits 17 and 18 for the report of the multiple vehicle accident with injuries (pictured above from the Hales Road overpass).
10 minutes later, While responders were on-scene at the first accident, a second car accident was reported just over one mile down the highway, between exits 18 and 19.
Both accidents were not connected to each other, or to the car chase a short time earlier. However, all three events wreaked havoc on the late night traffic - which was at a standstill due to the pictured car accident that brought the highway down to a single lane.
There is no word on injuries from either accident.