Selectman: "Please remind your children to wear masks”; Update on COVID-19 in Westport

Press Release

First Selectman Jim Marpe issued the following update today:

Beginning today, all Connecticut residents and workers aged 16 and older are eligible to schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment.  For local vaccine scheduling instructions and locations, go to  

Health officials are urging all who are able and eligible to register to get vaccinated. Those requiring special services and assistance involving homebound vaccinations or transportation to vaccination appointments through Westport Transit  may contact the Westport Department of Human Services at 203-341-1050. Fortunately, many of the most vulnerable in Westport are already vaccinated. They are enjoying the peace of mind and realization that they are doing their part to help our community, neighbors, families, and friends move into a spring and summer with less fear of infection from this horrible virus. Although numerous people have been vaccinated, it is vital that COVID protocols remain in place until we are certain that transmission is decreasing.  

Currently, there is a surge in COVID-19 cases in Connecticut, and Westport remains in the red category with 28.5 positive cases per 100,000 population.  We are seeing the effects of more social gatherings, travel, and a relaxation of COVID protocols. Travel increases the chance of getting and transmitting COVID-19. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that you refrain from non-essential travel and  follow the travel guidelines, The CDC also recommends continuing to follow its COVID guidelines and protocols, specifically mask wearing, social distancing, and good hygiene, even as restrictions are loosened and the vaccine is further administered. Please ensure that masks are properly discarded in wastebaskets and do not become litter on our roads, open spaces, or bodies of water.  

Much of the uptick in cases is occurring in younger residents and those in their 20’s and 30’s.  We are aware that there have been several reports of large teen and youth groups gathering at Compo Beach without masks.  Parents, please remind your children to wear masks when they cannot socially distance, even at the beach and other outdoor locations.  

The Governor’s Executive Orders declaring a state-of-emergency have been extended to May 20, 2020.  That means that various COVID protocols and restrictions remain in place unless noted otherwise.  The State will also allow the extension of the relaxed restrictions on outdoor dining at restaurants.  In a related action, at its March meeting, the Westport Planning and Zoning Commission again adopted flexible zoning regulations that extend opportunities for outdoor dining, and the use of outdoor studios by local gyms and fitness centers. 

The Town continues to work towards reopening more amenities and activities with the optimism that Westport will return to the yellow or grey status on the State’s color-coded COVID map, and that more people will be fully vaccinated.  These include:

  • The Center for Senior Activities and Toquet Hall are planning for the possibility of outdoor and limited indoor programming in late spring or early summer.  

  • The Parks & Recreation Department and Selectman’s Office continue to plan for a Memorial Day parade.

  • The Parks and Recreation Department is currently preparing to open its facilities and is planning to offer programs that were not available last year due to COVID-19.  It will strive to create safe environments for all facility users and program participants by following best practices and state guidelines. 

  • The Parks & Recreation Department has announced that Longshore Golf Course is open for play, as are several tennis locations, Compo Beach pickleball courts, the Skate Park facility, Platform Tennis, Compo Basketball courts, and playgrounds.

  • The Board of Selectmen approved the Downtown Merchants Association’s Fitness and Health Expo scheduled for May 1 (rain date May 2) and the Fine Arts Festival scheduled for May 29-30.

  • The Board of Selectmen approved the closure of Church Lane commencing April 15 to allow for expanded outdoor dining.

  • The Board of Selectmen approved the use of the Imperial Avenue Lot for the Remarkable Theater’s Drive-In Movie Theater and for the Westport Weston Chamber of Commerce and Westport Library’s Supper and Soul events.

  • The Levitt Pavilion is planning its season, to be held in compliance with any necessary COVID considerations related to outdoor venues. 

Westport is approaching the end of the Passover week, as well as the upcoming Easter weekend, both of which are important symbols of renewal and new beginnings that we associate with the arrival of spring. I wish all who observe these important holidays the joy that is associated with those celebrations. And to all Westport residents, I ask for a renewed commitment to working through the COVID pandemic together in a safe and responsible manner. In doing so, we can all enjoy the pleasures of our community that come with the spring and summer months.


Town Marinas Open Today to Boaters


Westport Cumulative COVID-19 Cases Up 5; No Deaths; State Positivity Rate 4.45%