Sidewalk Sales Draw Hundreds, Highlighting Ongoing Parking Debate
Parking is at capacity for Westport’s Sidewalk Sale event on June 24th.
Photos and story By J.C. Martin For Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.
The Annual Sidewalk Sale Days are always a big hit with shoppers and that means lots of drivers looking for a parking space. The debate over the proposed modifications to Parker Harding Plaza, the largest parking lot for downtown shoppers currently would result in the closing of the pass through from Main St. to the Post Road as well as the elimination of a number of parking spaces. According to First Selectwoman Jen Tooker, consideration of reconfiguration of the Parker Harding Plaza Parking Lot will be on hold for the time being. Reporting indicates many downtown merchants as well as many residents objected to the plan which would reduce available parking.
As the photos above show, there is nary a space to be had even at 4:00PM on Saturday with only a few shopping hours left in the day. One Gorham Island which adjoins Parker Harding and is available for parking on weekends when the offices are mostly closed, had just a few spots left. With a growing list of in town events such as the Westport Art Festival, WestoberFest with more possible in the future, and new retail and restaurants increasing the demand for parking, the solution will be a challenge for town officials. No matter what the solution turns out to be, rest assured there will likely be vocal criticism and opposition.
Word on the street was that Kerri Rosenthal was offering big discounts on some of their lines of fine artwork, clothing and home accessories resulting in a line to enter their tent.
Photos and story By J.C. Martin For Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.
Vineyard Vines tent was also very well attended with shoppers looking for bargains.