Simply SPECTACULAR! Compo PAL Fireworks Thrill Once Again
Thanks to Westport PAL, the town, and of course the continued tremendous generosity year after year by Westport's Melissa and Doug Bernstein and their eponymous company, the skies lit up once again on Tuesday night.
Photos By J.C. Martin For Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.
Photos By J.C. Martin For Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery
As usual, PAL and Melissa & Doug provided a beautiful show with stunning visuals and an explosive finale.
Among those strolling Soundview Ave. were RTM member Kristin Schneeman, former First Selectman Jim Marpe, RTM member Jimmy Izzo, a random guy passing buy who jumped in the photo-op, along with Karen Persau, second selectwoman Andrea Moore and First Selectwoman Jen Tooker.
Photos By J.C. Martin For Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery
Some brought chairs and blankets, other erected illuminated tents and tables adorned with various forms celebrating Old Glory. They began arriving earlier in the day to stake out their patch of the beach, returning later with all manner of refreshments and their delicious food to get the party started. Some of Compo’s lifeguards had the night off to relax and enjoy the festivities.
For several years, this group of friends have gathered and made it clear they are celebrating the birth of the United States with a gigantic American flag brilliantly lit when the sunset.
Photos By J.C. Martin For Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery
Photos By J.C. Martin For Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery
As always, a sea of Westporters cover every inch of Compo beach waiting for the big show.
Among those showing their red, white & blue was RTM’s Andrew Collabella with his favorite holiday pants.
Photos By J.C. Martin For Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery
We thought something looked a little off when the barge carrying the fireworks showed up off the beach. We wondered if they noticed it was pointing toward Long Island, and how long it would take to correct.
As it turned out, the skillful tug boat captain had it all figured out and spun the barge around in just a few minutes, with what looked like an assist from WPD Marine Division.
And there it was, ready to fire the first shots of the show with the sponsor, Melissa & Doug’s logo glowing in the evening light.
The young and the even younger made sure their patriotism statement was seen by all.