Staples High School Announces Graduates with High Honors
Pictured: Gary Lu, Carolyn Everett, Emma Dantas, Claire Redmer, Claire Lee, Sophia Lauterbach, Hanna Even, Simon Rubin, Assistant Principal - Patrick Micinilio and Principal Stafford Thomas, Jr.
Nineteen exceptional students have been honored with the distinction of graduating with High Honors from the Staples High School Class of 2021. A student will be designated with "High Honors" if his/her academic grade point average falls in the top 4 percent of the graduating class.
According to Principal Stafford Thomas, Jr. “this class, is extremely talented and the most astonishing aspect of this accomplishment, is that these students were involved in a number of extracurricular activities and various aspects of school life which took a great deal of time, focus and concentration outside of the classroom as well. We were lucky to have had them for four years and we will no doubt be hearing about their next great achievements in the years to come. Congratulations Class of 2021 High Honors students!”
The following students are the class of 2021 High Honors honorees: Atlas Elana Rose, Bautista, Andrea, Dantas, Emma Alexis, Even,Hannah Carmela, Everett, Carolyn Hyo-Jeong, Lauterbach, Sophia Carine, Lee,Claire Suna, Lu, Gary Keran, Mandayam, Rishabh Chokkamaman, Montoya, Max William, Nordberg, Konur Erik, Portman, Henry Charles, Redmer, Claire Juliana, Rubin,Simon Abraham, Smith, Teagan Rae, Toglia, Alexander Michael, Webster, Samantha Jade, Wynruit, Nasir Isaiah, Zhang, Charlotte Chenyi.
Pictured: Samantha Webster, Nasir Wynsruit, Andrea Bautista, Henry Portman, Charlotte Zhang, Rishabh Mandayam, Teagan Smith, Alexander Toglia, Elana Atlas, Konur Norberg