Sunrise Rotary's 14th Annual Great Duck Race Another Huge Success

Photos and story By J.C. Martin For  Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.

Although the skies were a little threatening at the commencement of the jUNe Day ceremony and the Great Duck Race, the rain held off bringing hundreds to the annual Westport Sunrise Rotary Club's largest annual fundraiser.  Such was not the case at 6:00 AM when three dozen hard working volunteers arrived amid a torrential downpour to begin the complicated setup.

Mr. Paul proudly told WestportLocalPress, "We sold just over 3,000 ducks and raised more than $70,000 that we will give away to charities. There were people as far away as Australia and Japan purchasing tickets and supporting 35 local Westport area charities. This year’s Great Duck Race had 25 sponsors who helped make this event possible and support the works of the Rotary Club."

Donny Corona of sponsor A.J. Penna carefully drove his front loader from the Jesup Green parking area where duckies were still being loaded until the very last minute. Corona then slowly "poured" the 3,000 ducks into the sluice for their journey to the finish line.”

The finish line found Sunrise Rotarian Steve Violette who selected each of the first ten ducks to enter the chamber of the sluice.  They were then carefully placed in plastic bags numbered one through ten. Violette actually  created the Duck Race 14 years ago and devised the giant sluice last year.  Ducks are dropped from the bucket of the front loader into the sluice, then it is unsealed allowing the water to form a current directed to the finish line and emptying into the storm drain. Westport Fire Department was on site with a fire hose to hep direct the flow toward the end point.

Photos and story By J.C. Martin For  Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.

The Winners of the $10,000. cash prize money were:

First place duck belonging to Theresa House brought her $5,000.

In second place was Elyse Oleksak whose duck brought home $1,000.

The rest of the prize money, $500 each went to Rady Johnson, Lily Ayers, Andrew Dinitz, Janet Beers, Steven Benardete, Neil Santos, David Press and Helen McAlinden.

Photos and story By J.C. Martin For  Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.

Sunrise Rotary President Bruce Paul told WestportLocal, "Each year several winners have donated their prize money back to Westport Sunrise Rotary and this year was no exception. We are thrilled with their generosity and support." The prize monies donated back will pass on to the 35 charities supported by The Great Duck Race event. Said Paul of the contributions, "People can be really thoughtful."

Photos and story By J.C. Martin For  Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.


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