Talking Transportation Comes to The Westport Local Press
By Jim Cameron
Contributed photo
I am thrilled to announce that my commentaries on transportation, “Talking Transportation”, are coming to The Westport Local Press. Look for my column each Monday.
For over 30 years I have worked as an advocate for commuters, especially those on Metro-North. I spent almost 20 years on The CT Metro-North Commuter Council and more recently as founder of The Commuter Action Group.
We have fought to have commuters’ voices heard by the railroad, the Connecticut Dept of Transportation and local communities. Our victories have included ordering of the new M8 cars, timetable adjustments, additional station parking and creation of a “Passenger Pledge” by Metro-North.
In addition to legislative testimony and lobbying, much of my advocacy has come in my writing weekly commentaries for 15 years in local newspapers, all of which you can find archived on my blog. As a former journalist I see my job as one of reporting what’s happening, offering analysis and even some solutions.
There are no easy solutions to our transportation woes: if there were, we’d have solved those problems long ago.
As a commentator I have always tried to be provocative… to get people thinking, questioning their assumptions… but always supported by facts. My dozens of confidential inside “sources” in the industry have always tipped me off to what’s really going on behind the façade of PR gloss promoted by the agencies.
I’m always open to discussion and debate and have relished my many in-person appearances in Westport over the years before your various civic groups.
My pledge to you is to always be honest, sometimes quite blunt. You may not always agree with me, but at least we can get each other thinking.
I always welcome your comments, story ideas and feedback. You can reach me at
JIM CAMERON has been a commuter advocate for over 30 years. A resident of Darien he serves on its Representative Town Meeting and is Program Director of the town government TV station, DarienTV79. He can be reached at and you can follow him on Twitter @CTRailCommuters