Thousands Pay Tribute To Those We Lost On 9/11 With the 21st CT United Motorcycle Ride Throughout Fairfield County On Sunday, 9/11/22

For the 21st year as many as 3,000 riders from Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York and as far as Long Island converged early Sunday morning at Westport's Sherwood Island State Park to begin a thirty mile ride throughout Fairfield County.

After leaving Sherwood Island at around 11:30 AM riders traveled approximately 60 miles through Wilton (Georgetown), Redding, Bethel, Newtown, Monroe, Trumbull, and Fairfield, before arriving at Seaside Park in Bridgeport at about 2:00 PM where they gathered for a lunch provided by ride sponsors including Vazzy's restaurants.

The riders thrilled what the CT United website says may number more than 15,000 cheering spectators along the route. Riders left under Westport and Norwalk Fire Department spectacular giant flags suspended from ladder apparatus and riders were greeted all along the route with similar welcoming flags provided by local fire departments.

Photos By J.C. Martin For  Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery

The program began with opinion ceremonies at about 10:30 AM where spectators heard remarks give by Founder and Executive Director Fred Garrity Jr,who has said that the event is "“for those that lost their lives, for those that gave their lives, and for those that continue to put their lives on the line each day — that’s why we ride.” The crowd pledged allegiance to the flag, heard a beautiful rendition of our National Anthem and somberly listened as a fire bell rang out 11 times.

Westport's First Selectwoman Jen Tooker addressed the crowd along with Governor Ned Lamont, Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, U.S. Congressman Jim Himes who represents the 4th district which includes Westport and much of Fairfield County. Also speaking were sponsor attorney John Haymond and Gold Star Parents Pat Parry and Wilfredo and Vicki Perez.

The ride first began shortly after the tragic attacks on 9/11/2001 and has grown during the proceeding years according to Garrity who is quoted as saying “It’s lasted because of the people that support it — both those (who stand along) the route and the riders themselves”. “People continuously say never forget. This is one of the ways you never forget.”

Just prior to beginning the ride, the crowd heard and felt the appearance of a CH-47 Chinook helicopter, possibly from the CT National Guard as it did a fly-by, circling the park as one of the service members on board surveyed the riders and spectators.

As always, there were as many configurations of motorcycles as there were riders. And also as always, there were large numbers of former military, current and former police officers, firefighters and many female riders. There were multiple bike clubs and associations, including Polska Sfora, a Polish riders group, a Latin American Association and even a Christian riders group, Servants Of Christ.

Riders were escorted by police departments who were reported to number more than thirty departments including a dozen or more motorcycle units and also patrol cars from the Connecticut State Police.

Photos By J.C. Martin For  Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery

Riders Arrive At Their Destination, Seaside Park In Bridgeport

Bridgport Police Motorcycle Escort Leads The Riders Into Seaside Park


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