The Westport Local Press

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“Today we give thanks: for fierce love and creative expression”

Local clergy members ended today's rally with an interfaith prayer. (l-r) Rev. John Betit (Christ & Holy Trinity), Pastor Heather Sinclair (United Methodist Church of Westport and Weston), Rev. Marcella Gillis (Christ & Holy Trinity), Rev. Dr. John Morehouse (Unitarian Church of Westport), and Rev. Alison Patton (Saugatuck Congregational Church). 
An interfaith prayer by the clergy present this morning: 

Source of Love,

You create and bless the whole rainbow of human expression;

All orientations; all gender identities and expressions; Every way of forging a family.

Dazzled by all that diversity

Today we celebrate those among us who are

Lesbian and gay, bisexual, transgender, Queer, questioning.

Today we honor and admire the full spectrum of human sexuality,

All the ways we move through the world, expression love for each other and for ourselves.

Today we give thanks: for fierce love and creative expression

For clarity of identity

And for the courage to be

For brave souls who love their stories

And devoted allies who stand alongside.

Today we also grieve the forces

That continue to deny and iminish,

making it unsafe for too many to come out,

to love freely or live fully.

We name and lament

the multi-layered hostilities

faced by LGBTQ people of color.

Mend the damage inflicted by bigotry and fear;

heal all who are hurting in body, mind, heart or spirit;

Bind up all wounds and banish all stigma,

Empower us to build community

That values the integrity of all people

Bless all our creative efforts

Bless first-time rallies and unfolding relationships

Bless rainbow swag and you be you campaigns.

Bless our mutual teach and learning,

our songs and our speaking,

our laughing and loving.

Bless every step we take toward

embracing your rainbow people

Today and every day.