Ending 2020 with Hope: EMS Personnel Receive COVID-19 Vaccine
The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine administered to Westport First Responders yesterday at the Westport-Weston Health District.
According to a Westport Emergency Medical Service Press Release:
“EMTs and Paramedics serving on Westport’s ambulances have begun to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as part of the national roll-out to front line medical personnel. The vaccines are a sign of hope for the local EMS volunteers and staff after ten months of treating the community’s COVID-19 patients.
Westport Emergency Medical Service Deputy Director/Paramedic Marc Hartog.
Yesterday, several Westport EMS members, along with other 1st responders from the Police and Fire Departments, received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at the Westport-Weston Health District - making history for the essential service as it begins to protect its front line volunteers and staff members against the coronavirus as it heads into the new year.
Volunteer EMT Lynette Pineda, Volunteer EMT / Westport Volunteer EMS President Mike Burns, and Paramedic / Westport EMS Deputy Director Marc Hartog were the first ones to receive the vaccine at the health district, whose nurses were able to administer the shots after a small shipment of the vaccine was received.
1st responders have been authorized by the CDC to go to any certified vaccine clinic in the State, allowing personnel who live outside of Westport to find a clinic closer to their own home. However, having the ability to administer vaccinations in-town will make it easier and more efficient for the emergency medical service providers to receive their shots, keeping them protected as COVID-19 case numbers rise in the region.
Volunteer EMT/Westport Volunteer EMS President Mike Burns.
“We encourage everyone to get vaccinated as soon as it is available to you. In the meantime, we'll continue to wear masks, wash our hands frequently, and practice social distancing, and ask all of you to do the same.” said Deputy Director Hartog.
Only one member of Westport Emergency Medical Service has been diagnosed with COVID-19 throughout the pandemic, a monumental feat for the nearly 75 members which can be attributed to strict infection control and PPE protocols that keep them, and patients, safe.
A majority of the service’s volunteers and staff members have said they’ll get the vaccine as soon as it's available to them, with many receiving their first dose just this week.
Volunteer EMT/Westporter Lynette Pineda.
Westport Emergency Medical Service, a division of the Westport Police Department, provides pre-hospital emergency medical care to the Westport community with its team of nearly 75 volunteers and seven staff members aboard its fleet of state-of-the-art ambulances. More information on the service can be found at westportems.org.”