Traff-Aggedon Returns As Southbound I-95 Bridge Replacement Proceeds This Weekend
A view of I-95 from Hillspoint Rd. last time shows free flowing northbound lanes with a slow moving parking lot southbound. Expect a mirror image this weekend.
Photos By J.C. Martin For Click To Enlarge Images.
The I-95 bridge slide-in bridge replacement for the north-bound lanes took place as scheduled last month and as we all know, traffic was horrendous. The replacement was completed hours ahead of schedule however there was still bumper-to-bumper traffic all over town well into the evening.
That early completion did not affect the major traffic congestion all over the area as anyone trying to get their destination can attest to.
Westport PD advises motorists be aware that this weekend will a pretty similar situation. Drivers, no matter what their destination in or out of town, should be prepared for the kind of delays we experienced last time. Craft Westport the annual event presented by the Westport Young Women’s League returns to Staples High School on North St. which will probably see increased traffic both Saturday and Sunday as a result of the bridge work.
The Ruth Steinkraus Cohen bridge was a parking lot at 6:00 PM.
Post Road East approaching Compo Rd. was also backed up as late as 6:00 PM. There is every reason to expect similar scenes this weekend.
Photos By J.C. Martin For Click To Enlarge Images.
Even east-west roads in northern Westport such as Coleytown and Lyons Plain were not immune from the bumper-to-bumper traffic. One Westport police officer told WestportLocal that it took him over an hour to get to his job from Monroe, even though he knew all the back roads and short cuts (under normal circumstances).
Even east-west roads in northern Westport such as Coleytown and Lyons Plain were not immune from the bumper-to-bumper traffic. One Westport police officer told WestportLocal that it took him over an hour to get to his job from Monroe, even though he knew all the back roads and short cuts (under normal circumstances).
A Westport Fire Department call which took the engine company onto Coleytown/Lyons Plain Rd. was fortunately able to pass the long line of west-bound lane cars in the clear east-bound lane. We dared not venture into Saugatuck even as reports there presented a not-so-pretty picture.
Photos By J.C. Martin For Click To Enlarge Images.