VFW Post 399 Barbecue Draws Several Hundred To Support Our Vets
The volunteer team that made it all happen- Front row, Left to Right Jake, Christy and Patty, Back Row, Left to Right: Phil, Mike, Kat, Alan, Al, Eduardo and Dennis
Photos and Story by J.C. Martin for WestportLocalPress.com. Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.
A small but very dedicated team of volunteers from Westport's VFW Post 399 and from the American Legion worked long and hard to make Saturday's community barbecue a great success.
They were led by Sergeant First Class Eduardo Hernandez who hails from California, is a 17 year U.S. Army veteran on active duty and is currently assigned to the 411th Civil Affairs Battalion in Danbury. Sgt. Hernandez went above and beyond in his mission, by beginning the cooking on Friday at 11:00 AM and starting 2 days earlier with preparation work.
Above: Kat, Christy and SFC Eduardo Hernandez stand by the smoker and grill which help feed more than 300 people Saturday. At right, Dennis brings out another round of Cole slaw. By the end of the barbecue there was nothing left!
In the keeping with his training in the military SFC Hernandez stood his post overnight tending the smokers and fire, getting less than two hours of sleep here and there when he could stretched between two chairs. Hernandez told WestportLocalPress he "was worried about the Friday night forecast of server thunder and rain, but was blessed with good weather all the way through." In speaking abut the event he gave credit to his team, saying about the event, "It was good but without the volunteers and the VFW Auxiliary helping out, it wouldn’t happen."
The event drew more than 300 guests for the day with a few remaining at the 5:00 end of the event. The funds raised will help the Westport VFW to with repairs that are needed said SFC Hernandez adding, "But mostly this event was to bring in the surrounding towns and local residents to enjoy our club and to let them know we are always open to the public."
SFC Hernandez wishes to invite the community to their new Friday night dinners at the Post which are in addition to the famous Jazz Thursday event which has been so successful over the years. As if the entertainment so far isn't enough Post 399 will also be hosting folk music performances the first Sunday of each month. The public is invited and more information is available at https://vfw399ct.org/
Photos and Story by J.C. Martin for WestportLocalPress.com. Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.