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Conservation Director Alicia Mozian to Retire; “her presence in Westport will be sorely missed.”

First Selectwoman Jennifer Tooker announced today that she has accepted the retirement letter of Conservation Director Alicia Mozian, effective October 1, 2022. 

A Town employee since 1986, Alicia began her career as a Planning Aide in the Planning and Zoning Department.  Subsequently, Alicia was a Conservation Analyst, Zoning Inspector and Planning Assistant. From 2000 to 2001, she was the Acting Conservation Director, becoming the Conservation Director in June, 2001. 

First Selectwoman Tooker said, “The Town of Westport and its residents have been extremely fortunate to be the beneficiaries of Alicia’s expertise and historical knowledge for over 35 years, and her presence in Westport will be sorely missed.”

Ms. Mozian stated, “I am grateful to have served a community that is so engaged and proactive in environmental affairs. Their enthusiasm both challenged and inspired me to do my very best every day to help protect the many natural resources whose care we have been entrusted to protect. I have worked hard to balance the rights of the property owner with the need for environmental protection and I’m proud of my department in achieving this goal. I also want to thank the many volunteers who have supported and continue to support our department’s mission and foster good stewardship practices of not only our wetland and water resources but also the environment in general.”

Ms. Tooker expressed her gratitude to Ms. Mozian, stating, “On behalf of the citizens of Westport, her fellow employees, and her colleagues, I am grateful for Alicia’s longstanding, exemplary and dedicated service. On a personal level, I have always considered her a valuable friend and colleague. I started my service to the Town as a volunteer member of the Conservation Commission and Alicia was the first Town Department Head with whom I interacted. Ever since, through my varied activities in public service, she has been there for me. I am thankful that her positive demeanor, and unprecedented professional knowledge and skill were available to me, and to the many residents in Westport. I wish her all the best as she enters a new and exciting chapter in her life.”

Ms. Tooker continued, “Because of Alicia’s training, professionalism and positive rapport with her direct reports, I am very confident that the Westport Conservation Department will remain in capable hands. To that end, I am pleased to announce that Colin Kelly will be promoted to Director of Conservation upon Alicia’s retirement. Colin has the ability, knowledge, skill and understanding to seamlessly transition and effectively manage the Conservation Department.”