Westport Dog Festival Celebrates All Things Canine
J.C. Martin
One of The Westport-Weston Chamber of Commerce premier events drew well over 2,000 humans and more than 800 dogs of every shape, size and pedigree (or not) to Winslow Park on Sunday. Sketchy weather in the morning caused some concern however the clouds and gloom turned to sunny skies which was very welcome considering weather issues in the past have caused postponements. Visitors had much to see and enjoy with over 60 vendors offering all things on the contemporary dog's wish (or must have) list. Multiple adoption and animal rescue organizations including Adopt-A-Dog, Lucky Dog Rescue and SNARR helped match potential dog adopters with their new best friends.
Photos By J.C. Martin For WestportLocalPress.com Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.
The various contest winners included Best Dressed- Zsa Zsa, Best Barker- Odin, Best Kisser- Peppa and Best Lap Dog (really?) over 50 pounds was won by a 90 pound retriever named Tucker. Double honors went to Frankie who was chosen Best Tail Wagger and also Best Trick.