Westport Scout Aims towards Eagle with Donation Drive for Newborns
Troop 139 Life Scout Amelia Gura. Contributed photo
Westporter Amelia Gura, a Life Scout with Westport’s Troop 139, is heading towards becoming an Eagle Scout. One of the most prestigious honors to earn in scouting - becoming an Eagle Scout requires a public service project. Gura has chosen to work with the Bridgeport Hospital Foundation to collect supplies for newborns and their parent.
These items include:
Diapers (Newborn-5)
Huggies Baby Wipes
Graco Pack-N-Play
Baby Scale
Digital Thermometer
Gerber Baby Girl Pants (all sizes)
Gerber Baby Boy Pants (all sizes)
Socks (all sizes)
Unisex Onesies (all sizes)
Graco Snug-Ride 35 Infant Car Seat
Evenflo Toddler Car Seat
Gura has requested the items to be purchased through an Amazon registry or that her request be shared with the community.