Wheels2U Westport Announces Limerick Contest
Wheels2U Westport, the Westport Transit District’s on demand, group ride, door to train platform shuttle service, is launching a limerick contest to help promote the use of its Wheels2U commuter shuttle. Sample limericks appear throughout this release.
A bright young commuter named Gus
Said getting to work is no fuss.
Why drive to the train?
That’s surely a pain,
When you can easily take the bus.
Gift certificates to Westport restaurants of their choice will be given to the top seven entries. One first prize winner will receive a $100 gift certificate, two second prize winners will receive $50 gift certificates, and four third prize winners will receive $25 gift certificates.
Peter Gold, Director of the Westport Transit District, stated “Wheels2U Westport provides many benefits. It’s easy, inexpensive, and convenient to use. It comes when you call it, picks you up right at your door, and takes you right to the train platform at the Westport and Greens Farms stations. No more walks from the parking lots in the cold and dark, no more need to scrape snow from the windshield in winter. And it’s a greener way to get to the train.”
A brilliant lawyer named Lena
Said be smart and commute greener.
Give the bus a try.
It’s as easy as pie!
If not, you’ll get a subpoena!
Westport residents and commuters to Westport can use the Wheels2U Westport app to request a pickup between 5:45 AM and 10 AM and between 4 PM and 9:30 PM and be taken to or from the Saugatuck or Greens Farms train platform and their front door almost anywhere in Westport. Pickups should be requested about 20 minutes before you would normally leave to drive to the station. The fare is $2.00 when paid with the Wheels2U app.
An aspiring poet named Poe
From his house to the train had to go.
The bus came to my door!
I’ll drive never more!
Said the famous young poet named Poe.
For more information about Wheels2U go to www.wheels2uwestport.com. For more information about the Westport Transit District’s services for the elderly and people with disabilities go to www.WestportTransit.org
Official Rules
The contest is open to all residents of Westport. Enter as often as you like. Entries should be sent to Peter Gold at pgold@westportct.gov no later than March 25, should have Limerick Contest in the subject line, and must include the sender’s name, address, and email address. Winners will be chosen by the Director of the Westport Transit District in his sole discretion. All entries become the property of the Westport Transit District. Entrants give the Westport Transit District permission to use their entries to promote the operations of the Westport Transit District and Wheels2U Westport as the Director of the Westport Transit District sees fit, including, but not limited to, using the entry as an advertising poster at the Westport and Greens Farms train stations. The Westport Transit District may modify entries if necessary to meet the needs of the Westport Transit District.