The Westport Local Press

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Community Honors Westport Emergency Medical Service during National EMS Week

Westport EMS Press Release:

Westport First Selectwoman Jennifer Tooker met with several Westport EMS staff at their Headquarters today and presented them with a proclamation declaring the week of May 15-21 as Emergency Medical Services Week.

Westport EMS Deputy Director Marc Hartog stated that the past couple of years have tested EMS professionals like never before. “The EMT’s and Paramedics of Westport EMS continue to rise to the challenge every day and play a crucial role in maintaining the health of our community. Relieving pain and suffering, caring for sick and injured patients, saving lives is just part of the experience of responding to the public’s calls for help. EMS providers, whether paid or volunteer, take on many crucial roles every day: healthcare professional; emergency manager; social worker; crisis counselor; consoler; caregiver. Abraham Lincoln once said ‘Next to creating a life, the finest think that one can do is to save one’ ”.

Ms. Tooker added that “EMS Week is a chance for our town to recognize the service and sacrifice exhibited by our EMS personnel over the past year, and to express our gratitude for all they continue to do, day in and day out, for our community”.