Staples Announces 21 Seniors to Graduate with High Honors
Front Row (L-R): Ryan Sidney Salik, Kyle Thomas Ambrose, Krishna Reddy, Matthew Lee Shackelford, Tom X Zhang, Jaden Emma Mello, Eva Strom Simonte, Quinn Julia Mulvey, Meredith Leigh Mulhern, Sharmila Abbie Green, Lucia Julianne Wang, Rebecca Hope Schussheim, Lilly Brooke Weisz
Back Row (L-R): Witt Moore Lindau, Colin Alexander Morgeson, Nikhil Kanthan, Ethan Jet Tober, Katherine Elizabeth Valante, Reilly Katherine McCaffrey, Julia Morgan Herlyn, Janna Harrison Moore. Contributed photo
Westport Public Schools
Twenty one exceptional students have been honored with the distinction of graduating with High Honors from the Staples High School Class of 2023. A student will be designated with "High Honors" if his/her academic grade point average falls in the top 4 percent of the graduating class.
According to Principal Stafford W. Thomas, Jr. , “This class, is extremely talented and the most astonishing aspect of this accomplishment, is that these students were involved in a number of extracurricular activities and various aspects of school life which took a great deal of time, focus and concentration outside of the classroom as well. We were lucky to have had them for four years and we will no doubt be hearing about their next great achievements in the years to come. Congratulations Class of 2023 High Honors students!”
The following students are the class of 2023 High Honors honorees: Kyle Thomas Ambrose, Sharmila Abbie Green, Julia Morgan Herlyn, Nikhil Kanthan, Witt Moore Lindau, Reilly Katherine McCaffrey, Jaden Emma Mello, Janna Harrison Moore, Colin Alexander Morgeson, Meredith Leigh Mulhern, Quinn Julia Mulvey, Krishna Reddy, Ryan Sidney Salik, Rebecca Hope Schussheim, Matthew Lee Shackelford, Eva Strom Simonte, Ethan Jet Tober, Katherine Elizabeth Valante, Lucia Julianne Wang, Lilly Brooke Weisz, Tom X Zhang.