Good News Only, Community J.C. Martin Good News Only, Community J.C. Martin

Saugatuck Lights

The crane at Bridgebrook Marina on Riverside Ave reflected in the Saugatuck river

Many residents of the Saugatuck section of town have brightened the holiday season with beautiful Christmas light displays. Bridgebrook Marina owner Robbie Guimond decided to re-purpose his 70' crane from lifting boats to lifting spirits and spent a full day rigging the lights. Robbie told WestportLocal that he wanted to give back to the community that has been good to his Marina down through the years and has also supported the Westport Paddle Club owned by him and his wife Taryn. Robbie wanted to give the community a little boost in light of the recent COVID outbreak and those traveling across the Cribari bridge will no doubt appreciate the gesture, and the hard work!

Photos by J.C. Martin for     Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery

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Good News Only, Community, People J.C. Martin Good News Only, Community, People J.C. Martin

Hundreds Attend Wakeman Town Farm Tree Lighting

Wakeman Town Farm which has become a Mecca for Westport families held their annual Christmas Tree lighting event Friday night  kicking off the Holiday Season with a crowd estimated at 800 or more over the course of the evening. Families enjoyed the Christmas tree and decorated grounds, sweet treats from The Porch and Sweet P Bakery, and hot chocolate from The Granola Bar and Starbucks. Also, a variety of local school musicians playing Christmas and Chanukah favorites.. Children played among several lighted trees and brought their parents to the bonfire to warm up and  toast marshmallows.

Photos by J.C. Martin for     Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery

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Good News Only, Arts, Community, People James Bairaktaris Good News Only, Arts, Community, People James Bairaktaris

The One that Westport Wants: Standing Ovation for Staples Players - GREASE Performances Continue

(click to enlarge) As the Staples Players took to their final number, members of the audience took to their feet in a standing ovation for the Players show. All photos by
(click to enlarge) photo

The music of Grease filled the Staples High School corridors Sunday afternoon as the Staples Players continued their on-stage performance of the seventies classic.

Last Spring the Staples Players celebrated their return to the stage - after over two years - during their opening night of Words, Words, Words… and Music; the socially-distant audience was capped at 1/3 capacity.

With 100% capacity approved for Grease, the Players’ opening night on Thursday celebrated a full audience for the first time since 2019.

The anticipated magic that the Players are known for brought a tangible feeling of excitement before Sunday afternoon’s performance; some of the younger audience members couldn’t even remember their last Staples show without social distancing separating them from their neighbors.

(click to enlarge) photo

However when the house lights dimmed, the packed house greeted the performers as they took to the stage. The energy was electrifying (no, not hydromatic) as the dozens of Westport teens danced, sang, and coiffed their hair to the toe-tapping families below. Through special effects, lighting, and pure talent - the hundreds in attendance were unknowingly transformed back to the 1950s for the remainder of their Sunday.

With Grease, the Staples Players continue to add another layer of “getting back to normal” for Westport; the community converged on the local high school auditorium while taking time to catch up with friends and neighbors seated near them or during the show’s intermission.

Another local tradition revived.

Due to popular demand, the Players added an additional feature of the show for this Thursday night. Tickets are still available, with all funding going to support the widely renowned acting group and the work that they do. All audience members must be masked while indoors, and must present proof of COVID-10 vaccination or testing.

For more information, visits

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Community James Bairaktaris Community James Bairaktaris

Veterans Day Ceremonies Begin at 10:30 AM

The Town of Westport’s Veterans Day Ceremony will be held at the VFW on Riverside Avenue. The Westport Community Band will perform a patriotic concert at 10:30, just prior to the start of the ceremony at 11:00 AM.

From the Town of Westport Parks and Recreation Department

 Phil Delgado, VFW Post 399, announced today that the Town of Westport will hold Veterans Day services on Thursday, November 11 in the main parking lot of the VFW 399 located at 465 Riverside Avenue, Westport, CT.  The program will begin at 10:30am with a patriotic concert by the Westport Community Band.  The services will begin at 11:00am.  The public is invited.


The program will also include remarks and a Proclamation issued by First Selectman Jim Marpe; placing of a memorial wreath by members of VFW Post 399; and Taps will be played by Westport Community Band trumpeters.


We recommend that participants and attendees use their judgement regarding masks, particularly if they are in a higher risk category for severe COVID illness.


In case of inclement weather, services will be moved to the main hall within the WFW. The Town’s current COVID protocols require that unvaccinated individuals be masked if the event is moved indoors.

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Community James Bairaktaris Community James Bairaktaris

Halloween in Westport: Trick or Treating “Tips and Tricks”

Photo by Jaime Bairaktaris for 2019, Compo Beach. 

With treat or treating back this year after the pandemic lockdowns - local neighborhoods are preparing for thousands of ghouls and goblins to arrive for their sweet treats. The Westport Police Department has issued safety tips to keep families safe as Westport’s youngest residents turn to the local streets to celebrate. The police department keeps a presence in the most popular trick or treating hotspots, such as the Compo Beach neighborhood and Gault Avenue neighborhoods, while motorists are reminded to watch for crossing costumes. Trick or treating usually begins in the community around 4:00 PM and can be expected to slow down when the community’s teenagers have figured out all the candy has gone for the year.

Westport Police Department

With Halloween almost upon us, the Westport Police Department would like to offer some safety tips.  If everyone adheres to the following suggestions a safe and fun Halloween should be had by all:

Trick or Treaters:

  • Young children should always be accompanied by an adult.

  • Agree on a specific time when older children should come home.

  • Only go to homes where the outside lights are on.

  • Stay Visible – Carry a flashlight/glow sticks and consider affixing glow tape to costumes and bags.

  • Never assume a car can see you as visibility is low.  

  • Use sidewalks and crosswalks.

  • Travel in groups.

  • Carry a cell phone – Make sure you and your kids can easily reach one another.

  • Never enter a stranger’s home.

  • Have an adult examine all candy prior to eating and avoid homemade treats made by strangers.


  • Be mindful of pedestrians.

  • Do not speed through neighborhoods.

  • Use extreme caution – Many trick or treaters are hard to see due to dark colored costumes.

The police department wants everyone to be safe, so please review these safety tips with children who will be trick or treating.   Additionally, extra officers will be out on patrol during Halloween night. 

Have a safe and happy Halloween!

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Community, Good News Only James Bairaktaris Community, Good News Only James Bairaktaris

Westport Celebrates 76th Anniversary of the United Nations

Following the ceremony attendees Jim Naughton and his wife, Sara Sessions Naughton chat with First Selectman Jim Marpe and Bill Hass, President, UN Association of Southwestern CT and member, International Hospitality Committee. Photo by Dave Matlow for

Westport resident Aye Aye Thant, daughter of former UN Secretary-General U Thant, addressed attendees at a bipartisan ceremony to celebrate the 76th anniversary of the United Nations. The ceremony was held at the entrance to Westport’s Town Hall. Participating in the ceremony were (l-r) Bill Hass - President, UN Association of Southwestern CT and member, International Hospitality Committee, State Representative Jonathan Steinberg, Second Selectwoman Jennifer Tooker, First Selectman Jim Marpe and Staples High School seniors, Lucas Slater, President of the Staples Model UN and Aidan Rogers, Vice President. Photo & words by Dave Matlow for

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Good News Only, Community James Bairaktaris Good News Only, Community James Bairaktaris

Halloween Window Painting Contest allows Kids to Decorate Westport this Saturday

Westport Weston Chamber of Commerce

 Thursday October 21st. The Westport Weston Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the annual Halloween Window Painting Contest will take place on Saturday October 23rd from 9am – 4pm. 

This year has a record number of Children, 105, painting 65 different windows around town. All are vying to win in three different categories; Scariest, Most Original and Best Halloween Themed in three levels; Elementary, Middle School and High School for a total of nine winners. The victors will receive an award and a $25 gift card from Cold Fusion for gelato downtown. 

“What a turnout. A major increase from last year’s record,” said Matthew Mandell, Executive Director of the Chamber. “This event is so much fun, the kids and parents just love it and the store owners really came out to support it.” 

Windows of retailers, offices and even town owned at the Library and Senior center answered the call to ensure every child signed up had a window to paint on their own or in teams. 

Judging will be done by the Chamber’s Board of Directors and the winners will be announced early next week. The windows will be left painted through Halloween so residents can come and see the artistry. 

For more information 

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