The Westport Local Press

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jUNe Day: When The World Comes To Westport

Photos By J.C. Martin For  Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.

On Saturday June 24th Westport held it's 58th annual welcome to the people of the world in conjunction with The United Nations Association of Southwestern Connecticut and the International Hospitality Committee. Delegates to the UN as well as staff members were given a warm welcome once again and were offered the opportunity to visit some of Westport's exceptional amenities such as Wakeman Town Farm, Compo Beach, Earthplace and the Longshore Golf Course among others. They also got to witness first-hand a Westport Institution, The Sunrise Rotary's Great Duck Race. The fierce rivalry on the Soccer pitch is also an annual event where The Westport Football Club took on the United Nations team, comprised of soccer players from all over the world at the Saugatuck school. (story and photos to follow)

The jUNe Day program  began with a greeting from Mr. Willard Hass, President, NA-USA Southwestern CT Chapter. Mr. Hass was followed by First Selectwoman Jennifer Tooker who welcomed the international contingent to Westport. A message from United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was delivered by the Guest of Honor, Mr. Christian Saunders. Mr. Saunders is the Under-Secretary-General, Special Coordinator on Improving the UN Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.

Photos By J.C. Martin For  Click on an image to enlarge and open gallery.

The important highlights from the message of UN Secretary-General Guterres which which were delivered by Under-Secretary-General Saunders were:

For over five decades, on the last Saturday of June, the Town of Westport has welcomed UN staff members, delegates and friends to mark a special occasion: the anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Charter.

The UN Charter is rooted in a simple idea: what happens to one member of the human family affects us all. Groups like yours understand that overcoming complex global challenges like conflicts, climate change, hunger, poverty and inequality requires all countries working together, as one.

We need globally minded citizens to stand together and lend their voices to call for action in support of the world’s most vulnerable people, and to build a better, fairer, more peaceful and sustainable future for all.

Mr. Sherif Mohamed United Nations Staff Union, Member of the Executive Board followed with closing remarks given by Mrs. Michaela MacColi, jUNe Day Chairperson.