Letter to the Editor: “boots-on-the-ground here in Westport”

Letters to the Editor

To the Editor,

I am writing to express my support for Jen Tooker and Andrea Moore as First and Second Selectmen. I am a lifelong Democrat, deeply committed to the ideals of my party. But I'm also a strong believer in getting to know people, not just their political affiliations. The wonderful thing about local elections is the proximity we have to the candidates. When we go to the polls, we're not just voting along party lines; we're voting for neighbors, community members, and often, friends.

Jen and Andrea have been leaders in our community for over a decade, serving both as elected officials in our town government as well as tireless volunteers for local organizations. They have devoted their time, boots-on-the-ground here in Westport, to making our town a better place in which to work and and live. Jen and Andrea bring practical management experience, thoughtful intelligence, and great integrity to everything they do. They are the right people for the job and I'm proud to support them with my vote.

Andrea Berkley


Letter to the Editor: “they create perfect synergy to lead Westport into the future”


Letter to the Editor: “ …fiercely woven into its fabric”