Poor Parking Job causes Parker Harding Gridlock; Police Assist while Vehicle is Towed Away
Poor parking along Parker Harding Plaza in Downtown isn’t typically a newsworthy topic, however Westport Police officers were dispatched to the infamous parking lot for the report of a car parked so poorly that it was obstructing traffic completely.
The Lexus SUV had parked a full car length away from its apparent target, missing it by nearly 15 feet and leaving the car in the center of the one-way lane heading towards Route 1. Despite the gridlock traffic, multiple police cruisers, a tow truck, a small crowd, a Starbucks viewing area, and the vehicle’s alarm sounding - the apparent owner could not be located in the nearly 45 minute ordeal.
A local tow operator was able to hook the vehicle up and tow it away, opening up traffic again for the usual fender benders and double-parked pleasures of a Saturday in Downtown. WestportLocal.com photo